Under Construction: Things To Fix + Revise In Feeble {PART 2/2}

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I plan to explain more of Middleton and will be expanded upon in the sequel.

For the rest of the characters I want to make outstanding: I only want to add more to Danny, Charlotte, Rachel, Ricky, Layla, Kenneth, Martha, and Betty.

I believe Goldwind is the most that outshine everyone since he is immortal but I can see what I can add that'll make him matter more. So I'm having different ideas of how I'll approach rewriting Feeble. However, I think I should go through the whole chapters and make certain changes plus add to the characters what's necessary of their likings catered to their personalities.

In my strong opinion, I believe my writing has gotten better in my other books since each character I made had more to them.

The plot and everything will be the same yet I will rewrite certain scenes to add more to some of the characters as well as improve my sentence construction and grammar.

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