Into The Irregular Verse: A Deep Dive Into The World of Gods, Angels, & Demons

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Irregular Mysteries: 2018 to 2021

Author's Note: I will place the links to Storm-Verse in the comments instead of posting the parts here. I don't want this book to be overcrowded because mainly Irregular Mysteries and Dangerous Romance were the main starts of creating the Mystique-Verse by bringing back characters that were wasted and had the best backstory ever that took over Dangerous Romance 3 & 4. So, even though I discuss the work I've put into Feeble, I want to remind you guys that I didn't start Feeble from scratch. Basically, I combined I.M. and D.R. and that's how the Mystique-Verse was born along with a sprinkle of storylines from the Storm-Verse and The Walking Spirit. I will post the links to The Walking Spirit where I discuss the process of planning the book more in-depth.

Book 1 Started: 2018

Book 1 Ended: 2019

Book 2 Started: 2019

Book 2 Discontinued: 2020


IRREGULAR MYSTERIES 1 aka the Self-Insert story with a multiverse of crossovers (Explained): A teenage girl named Lynn has a magical phone. From God's sovereignty, she was destined to travel through different worlds through her phone with her friends to be a light in the dark. But one day, Lynn and her friends were zapped and stranded in another world. Not knowing where to go, she meets a guy named Mr. Wednesday. He wants to bring back everyone's belief in him and recruit the old gods back to power from their glory days. He's Odin but his powers were failing.


So he senses a great power in Lynn and persuades her to join him on his journey.

He needs her and Shadow Moon with him to go on a trip by trying to search for the truth. Lynn isn't fond of Mr. Wednesday when he's stoic, sarcastic, and stubborn. But as they continue, there have been a few bumps on the road where some heavy disagreements led Lynn and her friends to be stranded or fled from Mr. Wednesday's watch. The girls split up and Lynn is taken by a man named Mr. World. Lynn's friends have to find her. Mr. World takes her to a police station, and she questions where she is taking her. He won't answer her questions and through the police station, Lynn sees the dead bodies of multiple cops on the floor and is horrified by the scenery. She is caught up with Mr. Wednesday in an interrogation room. Shadow Moon is beside him and Mr. World shows them a negotiation where the old gods and new gods can join together to take over the human race and be rulers of the world. Lynn is confused about this plan and questions Mr. Wednesday. The thought of Mr. Wednesday being a god never crossed her mind. That was obscured. Though Mr. Wednesday disagrees with Mr. World's plan, a fight emerges. The battle was lethal between Mr. World and Shadow Moon. Lynn runs away and leaves Mr. Wednesday. Lynn's friends caught up with her and must run from Mr. World for their lives. He needs Lynn because she is connected to the supreme Creator of the universe. Once he has her, he believes he'll get ultimate power.

So, Lynn and her friends are on the run.

The next thing they know, a mermaid named Ryn appears, searching for her sister. But Ryn could barely speak and was alien to them. So, the girls agree to help her and soon would get in trouble with the government for Ryn being a mermaid. Mr. Wednesday saves them and they flee elsewhere. Lynn has to deal with two mystical people—Odin of Norse Mythology and Ryn, a mermaid from the underwater sea.

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