The Editing So Far...

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Author's Note: I said this is the last time I talked about editing Feeble but what I meant was I am not talking about what's gonna be added and removed through editing the book fully. That is why I haven't been discussing much of it and am only explaining the whole process of editing the book from my thoughts of the chapters so far. Not so much on what's gonna be added and removed that will change the course of the series.

I do have a big announcement coming soon regarding Feeble. So far, editing Chapter 3 is taking a long ass time, and is the chapter I've been working on since late April to now. I worked on Chapter 3 throughout May and some days I'm taking a break from writing because of not knowing what else to add even though I listed a lot of ideas of what can happen in that chapter. I don't do outlines for stories, I just list a lot of ideas for the plot + chapters. For the Mystique Series, man I have A LOT of ideas for the series' future. But now, editing Chapter 3 is a bit dragging because I honestly thought I'd be finished editing Feeble by now but NOPE.

Speaking of editing, a whole lot of things came to me when brainstorming through the revision process. Some things are gonna change that'll end up being changed in the sequel and it has altered my whole plan of what plot I was planning that carries on to the sequel. But, I am so excited to release the book sooner or later if I write super fast.

I thank you for the feedback and constructive criticism in the first draft. And, man I did not know editing this book would be frustrating because I am constantly thinking about the readers, the word count on any chapter if a chapter is too long or short + what more could be added to flesh out the characters or worldbuilding, the future of the Mystique-Verse, and my future on Wattpad. Everything keeps running rampant in my mind every single day because it is exhausting.

I'm confident in my writing but not so much at all. I know writing is supposed to be fun which it is when I brainstorm ideas in my head, but sometimes it is not. However, late last night, I finally put something down and gonna continue till then.

Editing the first chapters of the book is putting me to work. Now, there are many things I wanted to add to the novel that I didn't think of till recently. Some chapter titles will be changed because of new ideas. The plot stays the same.

Another constant worry is that I don't want the chapters to bore the readers. I'm taking it slow with the first book and not trying to rush anything. Plus, this book is labeled Urban Fantasy but a lot of the full-level action + fantasy times 100 comes in the sequel and I don't want to rush. However, I am gonna sprinkle some fantasy early on and try to build that up throughout the novel.

But stay tuned for more updates.

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