Dangerous Romance: A Little Deep Dive

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TRIGGER WARNING: I am going to be explicit as to what happened in DR. There will be some trigger words so, you have been warned. 

Dangerous Romance is the dark version of Feeble. However, it was mainly about Lynn Lawrence suffering at the hands of strangers trying to take advantage of her. Her character was a murderer (if someone tried to kill her) and promiscuous, affecting most of her serious romantic relationships and friendships. 


Kenneth was a badass mother fucker and way different than Kenneth in Feeble. He had power in his police squad when his daughter was in danger, he was a heavy alcoholic when he physically abused his daughter, and he was a bad father. Because he was never aware that her male teachers were preying on her. She was already in a relationship with Ryan Miller (who was her teacher), had one teacher rape her in her bedroom, and another try to kill her due to not returning his affection for her. 

Rachel was different than Rachel in Feeble. She wasn't of Chinese descent. But Rachel had an older sister and a little brother. They have parents from Bulgarian and Australian sides. Her father is Australian while her mom is Bulgarian-American. Rachel had a series of physical abuse on the Bulgarian side of her family. Her grandpa was mostly threatening to her and his daughter. He was a strict Catholic or Christian man, following God's rules. So, Rachel went through traumatic experiences in her younger days until she reached high school to college age. What makes Rachel (D.R) different from Rachel (Feeble) was that she was a good friend and even though she's been through all that, she always looked her head up and remained kind. That's what made Lynn and Rachel's friendship powerful. But Lynn Lawrence was the bad friend and DIDN'T deserve to be her friend in the first place because the girl slept with her man (but Rachel "died"). Rachel's boyfriend and Lynn got close. In the middle of that,  I left Dangerous Romance 4 discontinued without expanding on what happens next. 

FINAL THOUGHTS: I won't explain that much more since I have explained enough about Dangerous Romance earlier. 

If I have anything more to add, I will expand on it more in the sequel to this book. Or, add it here. 

A lot of things happened in the Dangerous Romance books that it's kinda way darker than in Feeble. But honestly, the first book of DR and the 4th one were way BETTER than the sequel and the third book. I was running out of ideas and watched movies to make random crossovers happen with a bad self-insert character.

I am embarrassed in talking about Dangerous Romance, but I at least grew from horrible writing. Because damn the books were bad.

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