1982's Dream Lover: Dangerous Romance's Prequel Of Martha Lawrence

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Author's Note: This was before my planned scrapped prequel for Martha in 2022, I Am Kawajé.

Summary: Martha lived in a small house with her mom Nina Simone and her brother Steven, Nina had a lot of money to make Martha go to school because a long time ago when she was 3, they didn't allow black people to go to schools with white people and Martha in all her life went to other black schools but now she goes to another school that has different races of people.

Note: This was written in August 2018. The only thing I would change is Martha is the daughter of Nina Simone. Her mother can be a famous singer but isn't associated with Nina Simone. 

Faceclaim For Martha: Young Mariah Carey/Zendaya

Faceclaim For Steven: Young Will Smith

Faceclaim For "bad boy": Young Scott Weinger

Faceclaim For Kenneth: Young Jesse Eisenberg

In the early 1980s in Los Angeles, Martha is a teenage girl living in an apartment with her mother and brother. Her mother was a singer, though she retired from her famous life and started singing her music in bars. Things got complicated in Martha's life when her father abused her, and watching her mother get beaten has strained the family dynamic. 

Martha's father has left them and started a family of his own. With her family becoming problematic, Martha and her brother Steven have a favored status in their high school after being new students for a couple of weeks.

They're in the popular group, go to wild parties, and have the time of their lives. One day, Martha gets entangled with her love interest: the bad boy (I forgot his name, so we are calling him that). They both venture into each other sexually and romantically. Despite the fun things Martha's been exploring, she encounters Kenneth: her childhood best friend. Since they were kids, Kenneth's been in love with her. Since they attend the same high school together, things have gotten complicated. Kenneth is the geek, the unpopular one. He watches the love of his life hang out with the bad boy not knowing his true intentions. The bad boy runs the school and orders his boys to torture Kenneth; the bullying is at an all-time high. 

Despite the horror he faces, Kenneth finds comfort when talking to his male teacher. He is like a father figure to him. The drama riles up when Martha finds out her boyfriend is crazy. He tries to gaslight her if she tries breaking up with him. So, the whole plot is about Martha discovering herself, being lustful for her boyfriend, growing feelings for Kenneth, and drug abuse since she was a smoke addict.

The story was later going to unfold where the boyfriend was plotting to kill Kenneth for loving Martha. A brutal fight between Kenneth and the boyfriend's love for Martha. Lust versus true love. The book had a mature content rating and it was only going to be one book. After that, Dangerous Romance continued Kenneth's story and his daughters carrying on their mother's legacy. 

In the end for Dream Lover, the boyfriend was going to be killed off by Kenneth. Martha and Kenneth cover it up and never speak of it again. What an ending though.

The twist is I only wrote about 1-3 or 4 chapters. But those were the ideas I had for the book going forward. That is all I have for now. I'm keeping some things a secret because that'll give lots of spoilers for Warrior. Certain storylines are taken from Dangerous Romance and Irregular Mysteries. The only thing I explained in my message board was a little bit of the lore for Irregular Mysteries. 

Posted today, July 24th, 2023: 

So in the world of Irregular Mysteries, the lore was mostly focused on gods. Then around the third book, I was going to explore how angels and demons were involved and what makes them a threat to Mr. Wednesday and the old and new gods. They already think the supreme God is a threat to them but the demons are a whole other story.

Demons in the Irregular Mysteries world caused Mr. Wednesday and his people to suffer, demons were more powerful than the gods. The only reason is that they were created to be false and were going to divert true believers from the supreme God.

That is what I meant by how Mr. Wednesday knows the demon Mike, the guy who terrorized everyone of SOS, Bright (Dangerous Romance 3).

This is the last post I am doing for Behind The Story for talking about Feeble in its entirety, including the two books I revamped that made Feeble what it is today. If I have important stuff I want to talk about, I will discuss it for this sequel's book. There's a lot of lore for Irregular Mysteries than Dangerous Romance. Which I already explained. 

Dangerous Romance carries on that lore from Irregular Mysteries for books 3 and 4. 

So for now, since the plot has changed for Dangerous Romance, it's gotten hard to tell Martha's prequel perfectly without being bored with it. That is why I'm shelving Martha's prequel for now and rather develop her character first throughout the Mystique series.

Goldwind is the PERFECT character for me to do a prequel for but Martha? She needs to be developed a little bit like Goldwind.  

This isn't the last post you'll see of Behind The Story, the next thing I am planning to post is discussing the changes for Feeble of its second draft. After that, I'm ending this book with style.

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