Schedule Announcement

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Author's Note: Rewriting Chapter 4 is taking me longer than I expected. Since I chose to rewrite and edit the book, I know there would be stuff I miss after editing so much (with Grammarly checks). So I'm not going to republish a chapter and would select "publish changes". Before, I wouldn't see any changes when I hit that selection when the chapter was published. Now after I select that, I would see it.

Anyway, expect Chapter 4 to come out this week or the following month. But I'm not going to make promises I can't keep. Since I'm back in college, of course, there wouldn't be enough time to rewrite and edit Linda Of Arc. So be prepared for slow updates.

I planned to update one chapter once a week. However, I missed last week. 

So here's the deal, you'll only see more content from this book than any other book on my profile. I'm not playing games when I said that I was gonna finish this second draft. My sole commitment is this book. If I reach around Chapters 8-10 (10 would be best), I'll go back to Noble, Elina, and other books. I'll make posts on "Ocs Of Mine" here and there. But LOA is my sole focus. I want this book done because I am so BEHIND with the series. I would've been writing the third book by now but I'm glad I took LOA down to make it a good beginning of the series before getting into the core of what each book will explore and expand upon. In the third book, I mainly was going to expand on the lore of Halos. So this year, I want LOA, Noble, and Elina DONE.

The schedule for rewritten/edited chapters of LOA depends on the day. Mostly I published on a Monday but the last chapter was published on Tuesday. So it depends on the chapter and the day because Chapters 1 and 2 were easy to get done and used that "schedule to publish later" option at 8 AM. So expect a chapter to be posted on a Monday, Tuesday or any day during the week. All it matters if I get the chapter done first.

Peace out.

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