Feeble, Revision: Prologue Published I Plan So Far

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The plan for the Second Draft: 

1. There are no PARTS between the chapters anymore. It's only going to be chapters and no sections in between.

2. There are 2 (possibly 3) new characters. 

3. I may have did a race change to a minor character from the first book.

4. Nini and Zoey (originally Zaika) will have their time to shine. 

5. The summary for Book 1 will change.

6. Everyone is in college. Why college? The boarding school college idea wasn't any making sense. It confused me as a writer. I tried to make it believable until the concept didn't work anymore. So since everyone will be in college, everything will be the same. There are boy and girl colleges so it's going to be the same thing except there's no uniforms. So, I would have to make a believable and good reason why Linda will go to college since she is resentful of going there at first.

7. I'm setting Feeble either in Iowa or Maryland. Cooke City is the new city name, which was originally named Middleton. Foscowe as the small town will stay the same. Instead of creating a fictional state, I was having a hard time trying to see where Midway (original state name) would fit in the 52 states America has like how much of Foscowe/Cooke's history affects America. The history of Foscowe and Cooke City is so small that it's hard to even expand it to a whole state. So, Iowa or Maryland are probably the best states to put my fictional town and city in.

8. I will expand the lore of Halos in Book 1 early on. So if you don't like some of those ideas later in the sequel, that's fine because it's my book and I know what I'm doing. I already have a vision to where I'm going to take the series.

9. I will explore how Martha's coma had an affect in the family. I didn't explore that in the first draft. Also, the fame aspect too. 

10. I'm pushing Danny and Linda's romance to the sequel. They will be a slow burn with tension. Honestly, there was a lot going on in the first book that I feel a romance between them was rushed in my opinion. And I didn't like how things were going in the sequel. I wanted their romance to have an impact but as I took a good look of how their relationship was progressing, they are better off having a slow burn. So, I've already looked into writing posts and videos about how to write a good slow burn and romantic chemistry. 

11. Charlotte and Ricky are going to be dating first instead of later in the story because I feel like the whole petty drama that happened later in the story didn't serve the plot even though it served for more forced interactions between Linda, Rachel, and Danny.

12. The Mystique Series is NOT a Christian series by any means. However, there will be some symbolisms and themes of faith that serves the series. Here's a little bit of my background, I grew up as Catholic but got exposed to Christianity here and there.

I got into deep discussions over faith I had with people who were Christians and the topic of being Catholic in my family. So, I already have that experience of knowing how the religious discussions will be handled. I will go deep too (yes, I will go there) but that's just a part of some of the characters' beliefs. There will be characters who are agnostic and or atheist, then again I won't consider the series a Christian series. Why is that? There are swearing, violence, and possible LGBT characters included in the books. The series is mainly exploring religion, culture, friendship, family, and romance (including serious topics) all in one with a fantasy aspect to it. Since I plan on traditionally or self-publishing the series in the future, I will not go to a Christian publishing house because of the swearing and possible LGBT characters in the series. So, I rather be honest to myself in the way the series is written. The book series isn't to preach to people. It's mainly for enjoyment and something I would honestly love to see in shows and movies. No one is making a story like the Mystique, so I would have to do it myself. 

13. Just a lot of changes. Overall, the story is the same. 

I'm just trying to get better at writing by reading more. So even if I do a lot of proofreading and edits, there may be things I miss in the process. But I thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey.

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