Chapter Fifty Five - The End Of The Marauders

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Before this chapter starts, i would just like to say its been a wonderful ride writing this. I know some of you may be angry with how this ends, but its been planned since the beginning.

But fear not, friends. This is not the end of Edith Féinics' story!

Her story, along with Juliet's, continues on in the sequel
Swear By The Moon

Its based around the Golden Trio Era following both Edith, Remus, and Juliet.

Now, without further anticipation,
Here is The End Of The Marauders.


On the night of October 31st, the Lupins were watching Oliver Twist while they snacked on various candies James had brought earlier that week.

None of them had any idea that would be the last time they'd ever see James Potter alive.

How could they have guessed it?

Edith had an odd feeling all day. She tried to push it off the best she could by distracting herself. They spent all day making Halloween cookies and cupcakes. Though Remus and Juliet spent most of their time eating the damn ingredients before they'd even made it into the mixing bowl.

"Come on love you can say it. Marauder. Ma-rau-der." Edith was sat on the floor with Juliet.

"Mauder!" Juliet said with a giggle.

"I think she's doing this just to spite me. Don't ya reckon, Remus?" She looked up at Remus who was sat on the couch with a book in hand.

"Mhmm." Remus hummed, not looking up from his book.

Edith rolled her eyes, looking back to Juliet and leaning in close. "How about we attack Daddy since he's so rudely ignoring us. Waddya say?"

Edith grinned when she saw that familiar glint of mischief fill her daughter's eyes. "Okay. Three... Two..." The two slowly stood up, Juliet climbing onto the couch.

Remus finally looked up from his book. "Oh no. I know those looks all two well." He glanced between the two.

"One!" Edith shouted. Her and Juliet jumped on top of Remus. Juliet tickled his sides as the werewolf laughed.

"Uncle! Uncle!" He laughed out, surrendering to them.

Edith highfived Juliet with a smile. "Redheads-1 Werewolves-0."

Remus chuckled as Juliet sat on his lap, giggling. "So now I have both of you ganging up on me?"

"You wouldn't give us attention. This was your own fault, Leannan." Edith took her seat next to Remus, kissing his cheek.

"Jules turn!" Juliet shouted at her mother.

"Oh of course." She leaned down, planting an obnoxious kiss on Juliet's cheek.

Juliet giggled again, snuggling into her fathers sweater as he wrapped his arms around her.

The sun set about two hours ago, leaving the Lupins to fall asleep still in the same positions on the couch. They had no clue what was going on at Godric's Hollow.

No clue the Potter-Black's secret keeper had been switched to Peter Pettigrew.

No clue Peter Pettigrew was a Deatheater.

No clue he had sold out the people he called friends for so long.

No clue James Potter-Black had gone to the door without his wand.

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