Chapter Five - A Phoenix and Thestrals

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May 1976

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May 1976

"Merlin–!" Edith was pressed up against a broom closet shelf, clinging onto Severus as he finished inside her. Her head thrown back, her shirt unbuttoned, her skirt hiked up to allow Severus' hands to roam her thighs and arse.

Severus stood there for a moment, panting into her shoulder. "I'm beginning to think... you have a thing for broom closets." He said in between him catching his breath.

Edith laughed breathlessly. "Well, I have class with Remus next, and you are an excellent distraction." She said as she trailed a hand to his jaw, moving his face to hers so she could kiss him soundly.

He responded, devouring her lips with whatever energy he had left. Once they had caught their breath he slipped out of her and helped her to her feet. She casted a cleaning charm on the two as they redressed. She casted a few extra cleaning spells on her so she wouldn't smell like Severus. She knew Remus could smell any one specific person on her. She used to not care, but this was Severus. Her friend and the Marauders' enemy. She wouldn't do that to him.

She finished buttoning her shirt and moved her hands to her hair, tying it up into a ponytail. "I'm meeting with Reg tonight. So I won't be at your dorm."

Severus put his robe back on with a nod. "I think my roommates will be in tonight anyways. Good luck with your class." he said as he exited the closet, first glancing around to check if the hall was empty before slipping through.

Edith put her robes back on and grabbed her satchel before heading to her class. She was ten minutes late. But it was the care of magical creatures, Kettleburn loved her.

Today they were to meet outside to feed the Thestrals. Those who couldn't see them made up the buckets of meat and studied textbooks. Those few students that could see them fed them and played with the young fowls.

"Apologies for being late Kettle Corn!" She'd taken to calling her professors nicknames. "Got caught up with Dumbles, Fawkes wouldn't leave me alone." She set her bag down on the grass as she walked over to her favorite Thestral, Theseus.

"No worries Miss Féinics. We just began. You can help Mister Lupin brush Esmerelda's wings, please."

"Of course Kettles." Edith said in a monotone voice to avoid a sound of distaste.

Her, Remus, and one other student were the only three that could see the Thestrals.

She walked over, picking up a brush. She avoided looking at Remus as much as he could. But she could see how roughly he was brushing his wings. As someone with wings, she knew how sensitive they were and it made her cringe. "Not so rough. Their wings are sensitive, Remus. Do it too hard and you'll cause a tear."

Remus stopped dead in his tracks, not daring to meet her gaze. "R-Right.." He mumbled and started to softly brush the dirt from the Thestrals wings.

They worked in silence for a few minutes. Edith was never good with silence. Having James Potter as a brother meant she always had someone yapping in her ears. She couldn't bare this silence. The two hadn't said a word since the last full moon. Their good mornings and good nights eventually stopped.

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