Chapter Eighteen - A Phoenix and The End Of 21 Days

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December 22ndEdith Had Been Missing For 18 DaysRegulus joins The Potter Manor

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December 22nd
Edith Had Been Missing For 18 Days
Regulus joins The Potter Manor

By 10am the next day, Regulus was awake and practically scarfing down his breakfast. Sirius warned him he probably shouldn't upset his stomach so soon after having the curse used on him but he hadn't eaten in two days.

Fleamont was informed of James' relationship with Lily and Regulus when he had woke up that morning. He gave James a smile and a pat on the back. He was happy his son was happy. That's all.

"Thank you, Mrs Potter... That was delicious." Regulus mumbled after having finished his breakfast.

"A lot better than what Kreacher makes." Sirius commented.

Mia came up behind him, whacking him upside the head. "Hush. You can call me Euphemia. Or Mia. Or Mum. Whatever you prefer dear. This is your home now." She gave Regulus a kind smile, which made James smile.

Regulus just slightly nodded. "Okay... Mia."

James put his arm around Regulus' chair as Lily held his hand from the other side of him.

"Any updates on Edith? From what I heard, The Dark L–Voldemort isn't keeping her. It has to be someone else." Regulus asked. This caused the mood in the room to darken a bit.

Without a word, Remus stood from his seat at the breakfast table and exited the room.

"I'll go after him." Sirius said as he stood and hurried after Remus.

Fleamont just sighed as he watched the lycanthrope and eldest Black walk away. "None. We have a hunch. Edith is Remus' mate. There's a reason she was specifically picked. I've been in contact with Lyall Lupin. Greyback has been sending letters to the Lupin household telling Remus to join his 'true family.'"

"We heard howls that night. More than just Moony's. But we were too focused on keeping Moony in to worry about it." Peter spoke up, having finished his breakfast.

"If Greyback wants Remus, he could have gone after Edith as a way of persuading Remus to him. Where a mate goes the wolf is sure to follow." Regulus said, still in a hushed voice. "I've read far too many books on werewolves for my liking."

Euphemia nodded along as she took her seat next to Fleamont. "Remus has tried to reach her through their bond. None of it has worked."

"A few... friends are out searching for Greybacks hideout. As soon as we know where it is, we'll have an entire platoon looking for her." Fleamont added.

The entire Order was looking for her. But the only people that knew about the Order outside its members was James.


December 24th, around midnight
Edith Has Been Missing For 20 Days

Two days ago they released Edith's chains and instead locked her in a cage. The bars were scratched to high hell. It was likely a cage they used for full moons.

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