Chapter Sixteen - A Phoenix and Remus' Revelations

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The morning after that 1st of November full moon, Remus was aching in the hospital bed

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The morning after that 1st of November full moon, Remus was aching in the hospital bed. He looked down at himself, a large bandage wrapped around his torso likely covering up new scar marks.

James was beside his bed. "Mornin' Moons. How do you feel?"

"Like I had a werewolf claw tear through me." He groaned a bit, attempting to sit up. "Where's Sirius and Peter?"

"Over here." Sirius said from the other side of the hospital curtain as he pulled it back. Sirius was on a bed, his arm in a sling. "Morning Moony."

"Holy shit.. Did I break your arm?" Remus asked, visibly panicking.

"No, Moony broke my arm. You were in werewolf dream land." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Moony knocked him out like an hour after you transformed." Peter spoke up from Sirius' bedside. "I brought him here. Bloody heavy he is."

"I'm fit!" Sirius yelled at him, earning a "hush!" from Madam Pomfrey.

"If you have a stabbing pain in your left side, that would be from my antler. Had to literally skewer you to keep you off of Padfoot." James cracked a laugh which caused Sirius and Peter to laugh along.

"Why are you fucking laughing." Remus said, his eyes staying on the bed. "I could have killed you, Sirius. All of you."

The boys silenced until James spoke up. "Come on Remus. We know the risk, but we want to help you."

"No. Not anymore. You guys can't come anymore. It's too dangerous." Remus insisted.

"Oh bugger off Moony. Don't give us the same pity party you have Goldeye. We'd go to full moons whether you try and maul one of us to death or not. We're in this for life." Sirius scoffed.

"You don't get it, Padfoot! Moony is just going to get more and more angry until he gets what he wants. And I can't give him what he wants." Remus' hands closed into fists.

"Why not? Can't be too hard. It's a wolf... he's probably hungry or something." Peter said.

"Because all he wants is a certain fucking lion and that lion won't bloody talk to me!" Remus responded, now shouting.

James' eyes widened. "A... lion? Edith?"

Remus rolled his eyes and looked up at James in all seriousness. "No, Mufasa. Of course Edith!"

"Why would Moony want Edith?" Peter asked, oblivious.

"Because I'm bloody in love with her! I have been for years! I tried to push it off but it was only confirmed when you all became animagi. The minute he smelled her he knew what she was..." Remus said, now looking at Peter. He couldn't look James in the eye as he said this. It would make it all too real.

"What she..." Sirius quieted himself for a moment as he thought. He knew Remus was in love with her. Hell, he was too. Had been since the first day they'd met and she showed him nothing but kindness to that lonely boy at Gryffindor table.

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