Prologue Part 2 - How a Phoenix Met The Marauders

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September 1st 1971

James excitedly pushed a luggage cart through the wall of 9 3/4 in Kings Cross station. Edith was sat on top of James' trunk, kicking her feet happily. "Mush James Mush!" She urged him to go faster. Monty was pushing Ediths cart, trying to keep up with the two 11 year olds.

"Please slow down dears you're going to give your father a heart attack if he walks any faster." Mia said with a laugh.

"Oi! Im still fit and young. I'll have you know, Mia." Monty responded to his wife.

"Of course you are dear." Mia rolled her eyes.

"We're just excited! Its Hogwarts day. Which means it's Gryffindor day!" James shouted back.

Edith just laughed. Though her laughing subsided when she noticed a boy out of the corner of her eye who had just tripped and skinned his knee. Once James had come to a stop she hopped off the cart. "Mum, Dad, Ill be right back!" She said as she jogged off.

She stopped right before the sandy brown haired boy. She kneeled down and gave him a soft smile. "Looks like a nasty scrape there. My name is Edith Féinics, what's yours?"

The boy looked up from his knee. His face was riddled with scars. Some looked old, some looked fresh. "I-Im Remus. Remus Lupin." He just about mumbled. "I tripped over my cart.. My mum dropped me off. She couldn't come through because she's a muggle."

Edith gave him a sympathetic smile. She stood up straight and held a hand out to him and helped him up. "Nothing a good sweet won't fix. Ill be right back, stay here!" She said before she sped off to her adoptive parents. James had already gotten on the train being the impatient boy he was. She quickly gave Monty and Mia a hug goodbye.

"Be sure to write. And dont forget about your meetings with Dumbledore. We'll miss you both dearly." Mia said as she kissed her daughters head.

"Keep James out of trouble." Monty said, but then paused. "I dont even know why I'm saying that.. You are usually in the most trouble." He grinned.

"Im a mischief maker! I can't help it." Edith gave a soft laugh. "I love you both, Ill see you at christmas!" She quickly grabbed her cart and rushed back over to Remus.

Once the two had loaded their carts they wandered through the compartments until she found her brother. Though he wasnt alone. There was an anxious shy looking boy sitting next to him. "You boarded without me!" Edith shouted at James.

"I was excited and you were taking too long!" He defended, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Now you're not getting any of Mums sweets." She said as she sat down, Remus joining next to her. "James, this is Remus Lupin. He scraped his knee. Remus, This is James Potter, My brother and resident trouble maker."

"Potter? But your last name is Féinics?" Remus questioned, looking confused as she sifted through her small bag.

"Adopted. Mum didnt want me to change my last name so I'd keep my heritage." She said with a smile as she pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies. She looked up to the boy sitting next to James. "Oh how rude of me. I'm Edith. What's your name?" She offered him a cookie.

He looked up and gave a small smile and took the cookie. "Im Peter Pettigrew."

The train ride went by relatively quickly. They all snacked on Euphemias treats they had packed along with some they bought from the trolley. Edith bandaged up Remus small scrape on his knee, she always kept a first aid kit on her because of James' clumsiness.

Once they had arrived at Hogwarts they were led to the Great Hall where they were to be sorted. Remus looked especially anxious. So Edith affectionately held his hand, rubbing the back of it with her thumb. "We'll be okay. It's a bit intimidating for me too." She said in a hushed voice as Dumbledore gave his speech.

When sorting time came each of her now 3 friends were sorted into gryffindor. When her turn came she sat upon the stool and swung her feet as the hat was placed on her head.

"Aah. Curious. Very Curious." The Hat began. "A Féinics. Havent had one of you in quite some time. Thought you had all dried up. But you aren't just a witch are ya? No. No you are much more. You're full of fire I'd say. So much courage for someone that's been through so much. Hm, Yes. I know just where to put you, young one."

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted.

Edith smiled and hopped off, running over to the Gryffindor table, practically crashing into her brother. She wedged herself between him and Peter happily.

Once all the new students were sorted, Edith was happily munching on some mash. The only other option was chicken and she had an aversion to eating birds for obvious reasons. She took notice of a boy with black hair, not touching his food at all. She excused herself from her brother and walked over to sit next to him. "What's with the long face? Not hungry?" She asked.

The boy almost flinched, not even realizing she had sat next to him. He looked up to her. "Not really.. Just nervous." He fidgeted with his hands in his lap. "My whole family are Slytherins. I wanted to be different.. But Mum isnt going to like this. Not one bit."

"Well, your Mum isn't here is she?" Edith quipped back. "You're a gryffindor, and we take care of our own. Im Edith Féinics. What's your name?" She held out a hand to him.

He took note of the scorch marks that lined her palms and arms as he shook her hand. "Sirius Black."

They spent the rest of the Feast conversing over simple things. Mainly Quidditch and how old Dumbledore looked. Sirius wasnt used to this kindness. Perhaps that's what caused the boy to fall fast and hard for her. Said infatuation that would last for years to come. Hed never properly act on it. He saw himself as a danger to her. His parents were awful people. Surely he was bound to be like them. And he wouldnt put this happy and kind girl through that.

Edith walked with Sirius to the common room where she introduced him to her brother and her two new friends. Three new friends in one day? That was a major accomplishment in Edies book. Before hogwarts she only knew and trusted four people. Mia, Monty, James, and Albus. Now she also had Remus, Sirius, and Peter. And then there was also the lovely Lily Evans.

The way she met Lily was quite unconventional. You see, later that night she was walking back down to the common room after setting up her things in her dorm. She saw James down on one knee infront of another red head, proclaiming his love and admiration for her. Lily looked terrified. Edith ran over, heating up her hands and smacking James right across the head which caused him to tumble to the ground.

"My apologies for my brother. Hes an idiot. Im Edith. From his declaration, you must be Lily." Edith said as she held out a hand.

"Im Lily.. Does he do that often?" Lily asked with a shy smile as she shook Ediths hand.

"No, but Mum said Dad was the same way with her in school. I think its in the Potter genes." Edith laughed.

That night Edith couldnt sleep. Her roommates didnt bother talking to her and it was far to dark in their room. She had brought a nightlight but she figured she'd get made fun of for using it. Instead she got out of bed, grabbing the invisibility cloak from her trunk and tiptoed down and up stairs to James' dorm, using a small fire in her hands to see where she was going.

Once she had successfully snuck, in she walked over to James' bed. His curtains were already pulled back and he was awake, holding open the covers for her as she pulled off the invisibility cloak. All the other boys had already been asleep, she could even hear Sirius snoring away. She snuggled into James bunk, laying her head on his chest with content. "Night, Bràthair."

"Night Edie." James said with a yawn as he cuddled into her hair and fell fast asleep.

This wouldn't be the first or last time Edith Féinics would spend the night in the soon to be deemed Marauders Fortress. Most nights from then on she would either be snuggled into James' bed or Remus'. Typically Remus' bed since he was like a human heating pad and the castle got cold at night.


Say hello to the future marauders!

Translations because our lovely Edith speaks Scottish Gaelic:

Bràthair - Brother

Until Next Time!


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