Chapter Forty Seven - Jegulily and A Wedding

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Regulus graduated from Hogwarts on February 1st. He didn't want any kind of ceremony. Instead The Marauders held a dinner at Féinics Manor.

Edith was cooking with Peter and Lily as Remus watched over two week old Juliet. Molly came every few days to check up on the babe. She was a perfectly healthy baby and active as ever. They'd even noticed Juliet had a little birthmark on her shoulder, the same spot as Edith's mate mark.

They'd concluded it was Juliet's pack mark. She was definitely a daddy's girl. Sometimes it was only Remus that could calm her down, which made Edith jealous. Carried the damn kid for nine months and she clings to the guy that knocked her up. Go figure.

Sirius and James were outside, still trying to charm Sirius' motorbike to fly. So far they could get it to float. But whenever he went to take off he'd take off so quickly he'd crash into a tree. They'd attempted it so many times, the group started to keep a talley.

"FUCK!" Sirius shouted from outside after a loud crash was heard.

"Ten." Lily and Edith chorused together, Remus making a tally mark on a piece of parchment.

Remus looked down to Juliet in his arms, her chocolatey eyes staring up to him. "Your uncles are bonkers, ci bach." He ran his finger over the bridge of her nose, making the little girl smile.

"What's ci bach?" Peter asked as he pulled some cookies out of the oven.

"Little Pup." Edith responded. "I call her Gaol Beag Which is Little Love. Thats what my father called me when i met him in Limbo."

"So she's going to learn Gaelic, Welsh, and English?" Lily raised an eyebrow.

"And french." Edith nodded with a smile.

"She has mine and Edith's brains. She'll be fluent in all of it."

Another loud crash, "Eleven." Lily, Edith, and now Peter laughed.

Later that afternoon is when Albus arrived with Regulus. He wouldn't miss out on a chance to see his granddaughter.

"Finally a free wizard!" Edith said with excitement when Regulus apparted inside.

"I said no celebration." His eyes caught on all the food they'd prepared. Peter even made a cake.

Edith rolled her eyes. "Reg. I've been cooped up in this house with a screaming and crying three week old. I needed to bake or cook or something. And you were the perfect excuse!"

"And where is my little granddaughter?" Albus asked with a smile.

Edith huffed and pointed behind him. The two turned around to see James holding Juliet. Except James was wearing a slytherin quidditch jersey with BLACK across the back. And Juliet was in a slytherin green sweater he'd knitted. He looked far too excited.

"Oh my merlin." Regulus covered his mouth to quiet a laugh that left his mouth.

"That was in no way my idea, just so you know."

"She's not going to be a slytherin!" Sirius shouted from behind James at Remus.

"She could be." Remus shrugged.

"She has two gryffindor parents. No way she'd be a snake."

Edith sighed as Albus took little Juliet from James' arms. "I think she looks rather good in slytherin green."

"Don't take his side Mon Feu!" Sirius pointed his finger at Edith, who only laughed.

James joined Regulus' side, kissing his cheek. "Proud of you." He smiled.

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