Chapter Twenty Eight - A Phoenix and Ashes

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That's when he saw her.

Edith. On a blood stained hospital bed. Her shirt was torn, revealing large claw marks.

If that sight didn't hurt him enough, it practically killed him the moment he realized....

She wasn't breathing.

"She.. She.." Remus stuttered. He looked over to James who was stood next to her, his hand grasping hers tightly. "Prongs... She's.. She's not moving. Why is she not moving.."


Tears began to fall from Remus' eyes.

She wasn't moving.

She wasn't breathing.

It was his fault.

He frantically looked around the room. "Wh-Why is no one doing anything! She's not dead! She can't be dead!" His voice was breaking. He was breaking.

"Remus..." Sirius looked at Remus through his own tears. He slowly raised a hand up to his friend's shoulder to try and calm him, but Remus swatted him away.

"No! No she isn't dead!" He batted away Sirius' attempts to touch him, backing away from the bed. "There's no way I could have done this..! She...She's my mate! She's the love of my life. I couldn't have.. No. James... James tell me i didn't..!"

James stayed quiet. Slowly, he let go of Edith's hand, letting it drop to the side of the bed.

He walked over to Remus, standing in front of the panicking boy. He grabbed him by the shoulders.

Remus thought he would punch him or scream at him for killing his sister.

But no. The Potter heir hugged him.

Pulled him into a tight embrace as Remus sobbed into his shoulder.

"She...She doesn't blame you, Remus." James whispered through a broken voice as Remus clutched to him. "That was one of the last things she said. She doesn't blame you."

Peter and Sirius began to break down too, hearing those words. That was their Edith. She could never blame Remus for the actions of his werewolf. And it was her undoing.

The four Marauders sobbed until they felt as if they had no tears left to cry. That was when Albus Dumbledore came rushing into the hospital wing with Fawkes on his shoulder.

He had only just heard the news. He was out of Hogwarts for the night. He was out getting more books on Phoenix's when he heard of Edith's death.

"A-Albus... She'll come back right. She has to. It's what she was made for!" Euphemia said from her husband's chest as he clutched her tightly.

Tears had already begun to fall from Albus' face. Though he hoped she would come back, the loss of the girl he considered a daughter still hit him hard. "We.. we can only hope."

𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝄂︎❂︎𝄃︎ 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘓𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now