Chapter Thirteen - A Phoenix and A Muggle Bar

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After the Order meeting Edith got a stern talking to by Monty and Mia

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After the Order meeting Edith got a stern talking to by Monty and Mia. The basics, she shouldn't have gone behind their backs, she shouldn't have revealed herself, etc etc. It wasn't until Monty had left that Mia pulled Edith in for a tight hug.

"That took immense bravery, my girl. You truly are a gryffindor." She whispered into Edith's ear before letting her go. "I believe Dumbledore wants to speak with you, go on." She set a hand on her back, leading her back to the dining room where Albus was standing. Mia excused herself and left the two in silence.

"That was reckless, Edith." Albus said, looking out the window of the dining room.

"I know. That's why I did it. You'd never let me otherwise." Edith said, walking over to the table and hopping up to sit on the ledge, her wings fluttering behind her.

"I am not okay with you disobeying my orders, but I am proud you had the ability to stand up to me like that. I commend you for it." Albus turned to her, seeing her swinging her feet back and forth.

"I'm a mischief maker, Albus. It's what I do. Rules have never been my thing." She showed an innocent smile. "I'll prove to you I deserve to be in The Order. I promise."

"I know you will. I'll have a special mask made for you, if you'd like. We cannot have your identity revealed under any circumstance."

Edith thought about it for a moment, "What about a transfiguration charm? I've been working on a spell. Sort of like a mixture between what polyjuice does and a notice-me-not charm. It'll sort of blur my face. And if anyone does happen to see it, they'll never recognize me. I'll also wear a cloak that allows free range of my wings. Mum is great with a sewing machine."

"I believe you've been spending too much time with Mister Snape. You two tend to create a lot of your own spells. Though Mister Snapes is more potions."

"That's why we work so well together." Edith smirked.

"You do know I don't believe your relationship for a second, correct?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, Albus. You know me too well for that." Edith laughed. "I can't get anything past you."

Albus chuckled along with her, the mood in the room softening. "You never will be able to. I've seen the way you look at Mister Lupin. You don't look at Mister Snape like that."

Edith rolled her eyes and scowled. "I don't like Lupin. I don't associate with any of them anymore. They betrayed me. You know promises mean everything to me. And they broke ours. They mean nothing anymore. I'm on my own, Albus." She hopped off the table, putting her hands in her pockets and shaking her back as her wings disappeared back into her. "I'm the only one of my kind and I'm on borrowed time. I have too much to do to be worried about the next time James will break a promise and hurt me." Edith walked back to the dining room door. "I'll see you at the next meeting, Albus."

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