Chapter Eight - A Phoenix and Being Feared

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Remus, Edith, James, Regulus, And Lily all sat and chatted for a while before Edith decided she needed to go check on Sirius

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Remus, Edith, James, Regulus, And Lily all sat and chatted for a while before Edith decided she needed to go check on Sirius. She excused herself from the small group and made her way back to the castle.

Sirius was angry. His best mate had lied to him and gotten with his baby brother behind his back. But he didn't know what exactly he was more angry about. That or the fact that Regulus being with James puts Regulus in more danger with his parents.

He knew how Walburga and Orion were. Basic pureblood supremacists. He remembers when they found out he liked boys the same way he liked girls. They crucioed him until he couldn't move. Regulus had to watch.

Sirius was 14 when that happened. Its still burned in his memory as is the night he left Regulus and Grimmauld place behind.

Peter did find Sirius, but he just wanted to be left alone. Peter did leave him alone, ending up in their dorm.

That was where Edith checked first. "Padfoot?" She asked as she entered the dorm. "Is Sirius here?" She asked as she noticed Peter sat on his bed.

"Oh, no. He snapped at me to leave him alone... so i came here."

Edith sighed. "Sounds like him. He shuts down when something bad happens." She walked over to Sirius' bed and ducked down under it, grabbing two bottles of firewhiskey she knew he always had underneath. "Got the map?"

"Prongs' bed."

She walked over to James' bed and shuffled around before she found the map. "I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good." She tapped it with her wand as it unfolded. It took her a moment to locate Sirius. Luckily they had mapped the room of requirement and spelled it so only the marauders could see it. And there was Sirius, stood still in the RoR. "Found him. Mischief Managed." The map closed and she set it back in its place. "I'm off. If Prongs and Moons come back tell them i'm with Padfoot and we're fine. Probably won't be back tonight."

Peter nodded and gave her a smile. "Tell Pads i said hi."

"Will do." She gave him a smile right back, grabbing one of Sirius' old leather jackets before exiting the dorm. She put the jacket on , carrying the bottles under it with a Notice-Me-Not charm over them.


She entered the room, finding it looks like the Potter Manor Living room. Sirius was sat infront of the fire on the floor, his back against the couch that he had moved closer to the fireplace.

"I bring a peace offering." Edith said as she sat down next to him, handing him one of the firewhiskey bottles.

"Thanks Mon Feu." He said quietly, twisting off the top and taking a healthy swig of the liquor.

Edith let them sit there in the quiet for a bit before speaking up, "Your not to mad at James right? Regulus didn't want you to find out and despise James for it."

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