Chapter Fifty Three - A Phoenix and The Cave

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Surprise shawty
Double update

Did i cry writing this chapter?



By the beginning of April, Regulus had made the fake locket. He and Edith planned to go in secret. He didn't want James and Lily to worry more than they already were.

So, on April 6th, just after his husband and wife had fallen asleep, Regulus left Godric's Hollow for the last time.

He apparated straight to Grimmauld Place and waited for Edith.

Edith apparated in soon after. "You ready?" She asked him, still a bit unsure herself.

"As i'll ever be." He said as he pulled a small envelope out of his pocket, holding it out to Edith. "If... If i don't make it. Make sure this gets to James and Lily."

Edith reluctantly took the letter. "You will make it." She pocketed the letter in her cloak. "Have the locket?"

Regulus nodded. "Have the note?"

She nodded back, pulling out the small note. "Might aswell let the bastard know who destroyed him."

To The Dark Lord,
We may be gone long before you read this, but we want you to know it was us who discovered your secret. We have discovered the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as we can. We face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.
-R.A.P.B and E.S.L

"Snarky, i like it." He folded up the note, popping open the locket and placing it securely inside. "Kreacher!" He called out.

The old elf appeared directly in front of him. "Master Regulus, halfbreed." He greeted them both.

Edith just rolled her eyes at his comment. "Definitely a Black family elf."

"Take us to the cave. I promise i won't let anything happen to you." He looked down to the elf.

"Of course, anything for the most Ancient and Noble House of Black." The Elf nodded, gripping onto both Edith and Regulus' pantlegs.

When they reappeared they were at the entrance of the crystal cave.

"Strangely... beautiful." Edith said as she looked around.

Regulus watched as Kreacher waved his hand over the water and a boat appeared. "Don't touch the water.. Okay?" He looked back at Edith, who nodded.

The trio boarded the boat cautiously before it began to float over to the crystal island. They stepped off, walking up to the pedestal.

"The water is charmed. We can't just dump it out... I have to drink it." Regulus explained, picking up the seashell scoop that was on the ground.

"But Master Regulus, it is a most uncomfortable feeling..! When the Dark Lord made Kreacher drink it... Kreacher thought he was going to die..!" Kreacher warned, worrying for his master.

"Reg you can't be serious." Edith looked between him and the bowl of water.

He scooped out some of the water with a shaky hand. "We don't have a choice. When i start to drink it, don't let me stop. No matter how much i beg and plead." He looked at Edith with a bit of fright in his eyes. "I love you like a sister, please remember that. Okay?" He gave her one last smile before gulping down the contents of the shell.

Edith watched as he quickly collapsed on the ground, coughing and struggling to breathe. She managed to catch the shell as he dropped it. "Fuck.. Fucking shit!" She shouted as she ran back to the pedastal, refilling the shell cup.

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