Chapter Seven - A Phoenix and Prongs-Barbecue

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Back to Edith waking up in Remus' bed


Edith awoke, still tucked into Remus' chest. The curtains on his bed were drawn closed. There must have been a muffliato cast on his bed because she couldn't hear any of the boys snoring. She could tell through the cracks of the curtain that the sun had only just risen.

Remus had taken his shirt off sometime in the night, probably got too hot. She simply traced a hand over one of his largest scars on his chest as she waited for him to wake up. She'd spend any moment she could holding him, assuming he'd just push her away again once he was conscious.

Another twenty minutes went by before Remus woke up, raising a hand to his face to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He stayed in silence, just rubbing circles into her back as he always did.

"I don't forgive you for ignoring me." She mumbled into his chest, deciding to break the uncomfortable silence.

"I know." He responded.

"I'm not missing any more full moons. You can try and push me out all you want, Rem. But it's not going to work. We're marauders. Best friends. We never leave each other behind." She moved her head so her chin was resting on his chest as she looked up into his eyes. "You mean too much to me for me to leave you on full moons. Or any other time for that matter."

"I just... I'm worried. Moony's been getting worse and worse. I regret bringing you guys into my problems.."

Edith rolled her eyes at that. "Everyone has problems, Moons. You could maul one of us and we'd still never leave you behind. And that's just a fact."

"And that's what I'm worried about. Moony is deadly, Eids."

"He is. And so am i. You've seen me in dueling. I can cast wandless and wordless incendio. I'll cook you if I really need to." She tried to lighten the mood a bit with a grin. "Don't fancy Moony-Barbecue though."

It was Remus' turn to roll his eyes. "Me either. I think Prongs-Barbecue would be much better. I do like deer jerky."

"I will not be explaining to Mia why her only son was turned into deer jerky." She softly laughed.

Merlin, her laugh. A laugh that could cure every single ailment he had. He missed that laugh with every bone in his body.

Once the two had calmed down from laughing she put a hand on his cheek. "Don't block me out again. Alright, A Leannan?"

He didn't know how much he'd miss a nickname. He wasn't a big fan of Moony, it being a constant reminder of his furry little problem. But that nickname was uniquely Ediths. He never knew what it meant. But something about the way she said it made his heart flutter.

"Okay." Remus gave her a small smile.

The two sat in comfortable silence for another hour until the other boys had woken up. It was a three day weekend before hogsmeade tomorrow. The teachers needed a day before exams to finish grading things. Sirius was the first to awaken. He noticed Remus' closed curtains. Remus rarely ever slept with the curtains closed. None of the boys did, having seen eachother naked multiple times from sharing a dorm for so long they had no shame.

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