Prologue Part 3 - How a Phoenix Became A Marauder

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Year One 1971-1972

The first year at Hogwarts was mainly spent learning the basics of magic. Edith did indeed have a proclivity for magical creatures, her herself being one. When she wasnt spending time in the library reading or out by the forbidden forest feeding Thestrals, She was keeping track of her group of troublemakers and keeping them out of mischief. Though, that is not to say Edith wasnt the mastermind behind some of their best pranks of that year. Mcgonagal even began calling them Marauders, a name that would stick for decades to come.

Edith would spend her weekends with Dumbledore. She was introduced to Fawkes who she became very close with. She could even understand and communicate with him, which gave her a sense of home and belonging. Dumbledore would educate her on her family and they would test her abilities. Things like,

Her eyes turned a fiery crimson when she got overly angry.

Her wings sprouted in extreme danger (Like when she fell from her broom at Potter Manor.) Though she could make them show of her own volition as well.

Her tears had healing abilities, which she would find very useful in her coming years.

She could form and control fire. This would also become very useful as she would use it to light her way at night to the Marauders dorm, light the fireplace in the common room on cold days, and in the older years of her life, light her and Sirius cigarettes.

One ability that they were unsure of, and wouldn't test, was her resurrection abilities. That's what the whole experiment was for. Creating immortal life. She even watched Fawkes resurrect once. The thought terrified her. If she were to die, would she become a baby again? Would she lose her memories? Would she not come back?

Dumbledore assured her nothing bad would happen to her at Hogwarts. A promise that would be broken years later.

Year Two 1972-1973

This year Edith got to meet the youngest Black, Regulus. Sirius happily introduced them but not without warning his brother that he was to not steal her from him. That comment earned Sirius a smack to the head. She noticed how closed Regulus was. And being the Gryffindor she was, she was dead set on changing that. The same as she had gotten Remus, Sirius, and Peter to open up.

She knew of the Black boys' abuse by their parents, She had dressed one to many of Sirius wounds from said parents. She wanted to make Regulus feel like he belonged. Some nights she would meet up with Regulus in secret. If any of the slytherins or, Merlin forbid, his parents caught wind of him hanging out with one of the gryffindors that ruined Sirius he would be punished. So sometimes late at night the pair would sneak out of their common rooms and meet up at the astronomy tower. Edith would listen to Regulus endlessly describe constellations.

This was also the year the group of young Marauders found out about Remus furry little problem.

Edith was the first to discover it, having figured it out herself. Between his moonly mood swings, hospital trips, and his new gathering scars she pieced everything together by December of 1972. After the December full moon she sat at his bedside in the hospital wing. Who was madam pomfrey to keep her from seeing her wounded friend?

At first Remus was panicked. Edith just rolled her eyes.

"Remus, A Leannan, You fold and organize your socks and love chocolate. You can't possibly be that scary." She said to him with a small smile. A Leannan was a name she had begun to affectionately call him the year before. She was of Scottish descent and took it upon herself to learn Scottish Gaelic along with irish. A Leannan roughly translates to My Darling or Dear Lover. Was she going to tell him what it meant? Hell no. At Least not for another few years.

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