Chapter Twenty Five - A Phoenix and House of The Sun

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O.W.L's rolled around quickly. Though Dumbledore decided to let the students have some fun before they had to worry about exams.

Usually the end of year ball for 5th years and above was held the day before school ended. But he pushed it up to the beginning of June.

Remus was panicking about officially asking Edith to the ball. But she beat him to it.

The Phoenix girl literally asked him mid-makeout in the library.

Of course he said yes. The girl was sat on his lap whispering into his fucking ear. How could he say no to that?

Remus had bigger plans for the ball though. He was going to officially ask Edith to be his girlfriend.

He even went as far to owl Fleamont and Euphemia for permission to 'court' their daughter. He asked James too.

Even with all James teasing and protectiveness, he told Remus there was no one else he'd rather trust his sister's heart with.

He planned to give her a promise ring. A dainty ring with a moon and sun jewel. On the inside of the band was R.J.L+E.S.F. Sirius helped him buy it. Hell, he insisted he'd buy it. Though Remus did manage to throw in a galleon or two.

Edith and Lily had gone dress shopping the minute they knew the ball was being moved up. Edith forced Lily to try the most expensive dress in the shop. And like the rich pureblood she was, she bought it for her.

Lily got a sparkly baby blue dress with stars scattered over it. James and Regulus would wear matching white suits with baby blue ties. Regulus wasn't one for bright colors. But he couldn't say no to James' puppy dog eyes.

Edith got an elegant gryffindor red dress. It had a corseted top and even capes coming from the back of her small sleeves. Lily even noted Remus would be ripping it off her by the end of the night. That girl had read too many naughty novels.

Edith and Lily kept their dresses a secret from their significant others, only telling them what colors to match. The only two other people that had seen their dresses were Peter and Albus. Albus had asked to see them and Edith could never say no to him.


The actual night of the ball the Marauder boys, including Regulus, got ready in their dorm while Edith and Lily got ready in her private dorm in Albus' office.

Remus was pacing. He was nervous as all hell.

"You need to calm down, Moony. I literally caught you two snogging in the library yesterday. She'll say yes." Sirius said as he fixed up his tie.

"She's your mate, Lupin. She's been yours since you two met. This is just a formality." Regulus added as he did James' tie. James was always shit at tying his own tie.

"She'll love the ring too! It'll go perfect with her dress." Peter smiled.

"I know I know... Just makes it all real y'know?" Remus sighed, going back to the mirror to refix his hair for the third time.

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