Joint Training: Sora

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They followed after the robots as they moved their prison two blocks to the east. Sora didn't feel in her right mind yet, for she was still thinking of Yuu. What's happened to him? I've never seen him like that before. She felt worthless for not being able to lend a hand at all when he was in that state, and he wasn't keen to tell her what was wrong either.

" I wonder about that..."

His words made her chest clutch with sorrow. She too had secrets, ones she couldn't tell him. Did she have any right to be angry with him then? 

" Shirogane-kun, Todoroki-kun... Are you both all right?" Sora blinked as she looked back and forth from Iida to Todoroki.

"It's nothing. Thanks for asking," Todoroki answered, expression unfazed.

" What about you, Shirogane?" The girl shook her hands as she smiled at Ojiro.

" I'm fine too. You don't have to be concerned with me."

" Shirogane aside, but Todoroki's facial expressions don't change that much, so I couldn't tell," Ojiro muttered. " I can't believe you noticed, Iida."

" As class rep, I must watch all my classmates and offer a hand to those who are troubled!" 

And you're doing great. Sora cheered inwardly.

" You seem really cheerful. You always do, though." Shoji noted via an additional mouth.

" Recently, my brother's recovery has been going well." Iida glowed brightly as he said that.

" Oh, that's good to hear!"

" Thank God! Hope he will get better as soon as possible, Iida-kun!" Sora patted him.

As the other boys continued their talk with Iida, Todoroki and Sora lingered behind them. " How was it?" She gave Todoroki a soft nudge with her elbow and the boy nodded his head.

" Not bad."

" Not bad! Is that all you have to say?!"

" What else do you expect me to say? Yeah, I was worried about him,  but that doesn't mean I can forget everything that I... We went through so easily. Not bad is the best it could ever be."

" Well, no one said anything about forgetting, I'm talking about now..." Their eyes locked for the first time during their conversation and Todoroki's softened a tad, almost unnoticeable.

" If anything, he's trying."

Sora gave him a small grin at that. " Trying is the key, and I can tell, that you are trying as well."

" Huh?" He stopped in his tracks, turning her words in his mind. 

" You'll understand it soon when you become a little more honest with your own feelings." With a wink, she ran for Iida who was urging them to keep pace.


It wasn't long before the third match started. Their plan was to look for the other team with Sora and Shoji's help before paralyzing them with Todoroki's ice.

" Anything from your position, Shirogane?" Shoji asked and Sora shook her head.

They're keeping quiet. Why? Her eyes narrowed when she spotted something ahead. Did a pillar, just fall off? She heard metal clinking against each other and it became clear. Even Shoji could tell it. But is it a trap? Is their plan to draw us in?

She looked down at her team. " A head-to-head battle is it? But it may be a trap. Remember Honenuki's Quirk?" She lowered herself so she was floating a few inches above them.

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