Fight Our Teachers!!

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The information of the practical exam's setup was taken in with much pleasure by both Ashido and Kaminari who, Sora thought, were as good as started celebrating their success already.

" Yuu." The boy blinked as Sora approached him with a ticklish smile. " Sorry about this but, you think we can study together? It's been a while since we did so."

" Huh?"

" Oh, that's of course if you're free." She added.

Whisper tapped his chin. " I will be training him late at night." The way Yuu jolted didn't go unnoticed by Sora. " So I think that means he can study along with you in the evening and early at night. What do you think?"

" There is no need to ask. I will be glad to study with you." He smiled.

Sora grinned from ear to ear as she clapped her hands together. " Well then! We can head to my house straight away then!"

" Straight away!"

" I will be telling Grandma!" She bolted to her bag, rummaging for her phone.

It was then that Bakugo declared war upon Midoriya, catching all of their attention. One look at his aura told Sora he was angry beyond any other time she had seen him. It made her gulp just seeing it. So when he shifted his eyes to both her and Todoroki her feet rooted to the ground from the intense stare. " Todoroki! Shirogane! You too!"

Sora only breathed when the boy left the classroom, slamming the door shut with a forceful tug. She had never felt that much anger directed at her.

" It's been a while since I've seen Bakugo that intense," said Kirishima.

" Impatience... Or rather hatred?" Tokoyami inquired.

" I would rather it be the former." Sora laughed awkwardly.

" You noticed. He didn't call you feather head," Whisper commented.

" True..." She thought about it. It seems he was more than serious about making that challenge.


The week passed by in a hurry. While they were all buried to the nose under the load of their work and studies, they also trained hard to keep their bodies in shape. It was rather hard balancing both. Before they knew it, they sat down for the 1st day of the written exam.

Sora and Yuu would haunch over their papers and wouldn't raise their heads until the allotted time was over. Sora had to admit she liked to see Ashido and Kaminari's faces every time they bent on their exam papers. They were dead serious, their pencils flying about almost unseen.

By the end of the third day, Sora and Yuu stood to collect the papers of their rows while Ashido and Kaminari thanked Yaoyorozu deeply. Glad they did well. Sora smiled.

After delivering the papers, Sora stretched her arms. " Now all that is left is the practical one."

" I'm nervous." Yuu shivered as he checked the calendar on his phone, the day of the practical exam was the next one.

" It will be alright. You underwent hard training, so have confidence." Whisper slapped his back and Yuu choked on air.


On the day of the practical exam, they gathered in front of the central plaza where the exam would take place. The first interesting thing that caught their eyes was the many teachers waiting for them in front of the entrance.

Aizawa warned them against doing any stupid mistakes. The class was already tense enough without him telling them. Apparently, Aizawa expected them to do some research about the nature of the practical exam.

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