Work Study

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" You shouldn't do them." Everyone gaped at their teacher's words the next morning.

"What!" Almost the whole building swayed with their shouts of disapproval. The staff meeting about the work-study was concluded with most teachers going against that decision.

" Why introduce it in the first place if you're going to refuse!" Whisper bellowed.

" But thinking about why we ended up in the dorms, I guess that makes sense..." Kaminari was toying around with Ojiro's tail as he mentioned that.

Bakugo stood up, gloating that they deserved it. But his rejoicing didn't last for long because Aizawa stated that they would be allowed to join hero agencies with good track records of accepting work-study students. Sora hummed thoughtfully, her eyes tracing over to the roof, pondering on her options. She wasn't going to miss that chance after all.

Yuu and Uraraka changed looks, both wondering if they could rejoin Gunhead's agency again.

When recess came, Todoroki went over to her desk. " Shirogane." She looked up at him, already having a feeling about what he was going to tell her. " About the work-study, are you going back to Endeavor's agency?"

" Actually, no. I've given it some thought and... I think I might try some other place. Though that may take a while." She didn't have a reason to go back after all. She got what she wanted there. And Endeavor himself wouldn't accept her so long as she wasn't of value. At first, he accepted her because he thought she might be a good opponent for his son and push him to use his flames. But now it doesn't seem she was needed. " Plus, I don't think I can handle that place without you there."

" Sorry... I shouldn't have failed my exam..."

" You take everything seriously." Sora sweat dropped."Don't bother about it, really."

" Well, guess you made the right call after all." Sora blinked at him." Lately, he has been more disturbed after All Might retired. I doubt he would even accept any work studies for a while now."

Sora merely nodded. She could understand the man's frustration. He longed to surpass All Might, by whatever means it took. For his goal to be suddenly snatched away from him the way it happened, it was kinda unfair to him...


The week went by rather heavily. It was ladened with work and training and it seemed to pass relatively slowly. When the weekend finally came, it was a welcomed change. Sora woke up late that morning, having had her fill of sleep. She joined Yuu, Kirishima and Tokyami for breakfast, all of whom preferred to sleep in that morning as well. " Good morning." She greeted sitting next to her best friend.

Standing next to their table were both Kaminari and Mineta who were lazily brushing their teeth. " Morning." They all answered.

" A day off, huh?" Kaminari murmured, toothbrush stuck in his mouth.

" It felt like ages since we had a proper rest." Yuu raised his mug of coffee just as Midoriya rushed past them, shouting a rather hurried greeting.

" Take it easy, man..." Mineta called tiredly after him but the boy was already beyond the gate by that time. From the window, they could see Bakugo and Todoroki walking away as well for their provisional hero license training.  Sora looked after them, inwardly wishing the white and red-haired boy good luck. And by the way Bakugo was yelling and fuming, almost threatening to blow anything near him, she knew he would be needing lots and lots of luck.

Just as Sora held the spoon of cornflakes to her mouth, she snapped when she heard a loud explosion outside and the ground shook underneath her feet. Seems the threat was carried.

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