New Number One Hero

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They were surprised when Aizawa called the six who had participated in the mission of saving Eri to the staff lounge a few days later, but it couldn't have been compared to when they saw Eri there, having her hair styled by an enthusiastic Hado. The big three were already there. " We're going to take care of her in U.A." Aizawa announced nonchalantly.

The girl seemed to grow accustomed to them for when they gathered around her this time, she didn't shy away. " I will be looking forward to seeing you more often." Sora clapped her hands happily.

" If you need anything don't be afraid to ask." Yuu smiled at her.

" And if anyone is being mean to you again I'll deal with him for you," Whisper declared proudly.

" Thank you. Thank you so much!" The girl seemed much more lively and happy than when they saw her a month ago.

When they went out of the school as Aizawa requested, they were informed of the reason why she was to be put under UA's care. She had no family to go back to. Her grandfather, the head of the Shie Hassaikai, was in a comma. And because of her Quirk, it was dangerous to put her in an orphanage as Togata informed them that the horn related to her Quirk was growing again.

So they were going to watch her in the teachers' dorm and help her control her Quirk. Isn't this too much for you?

But by the look of it, Togata was going to take care of her seeing how he was free and close to her in the first place. " I see, that would make sense."

" Anyway, why are you telling them all of this?" Whisper gave the teacher a questioning glance.

" For Eri-chan's sake, it's better if she comes into contact with more people," he replied scratching his jaw. " Now that we want to keep an eye on her in the dorms, it may seem like a confinement. So we want you to come by and visit her every now and then, we'll have her first interact with you who know about her the most."

" I get it now." Sora smiled. " So we'll be coming to play with her so often. I like this! Can we start right away?"

"Class A is to go back to the dorm. You have guests arriving soon." He said calmly.

" Guests?" But Aizawa wouldn't say much.


" Who do you think is coming?" Sora sat at a table with a mug of hot chocolate in hand.

" Another journalist, maybe?" Whisper suggested.

" I hardly doubt so." Yuu looked up from his homework. " I think it's someone we already know. Else Aizawa-sensei wouldn't have left us on our own with them, right?"

" True." She sipped on her drink when there was a knock on the door. Iida told them to get up to greet their guests and to their astonishment, it was the Pussycats that strolled into the dorm, making their famous pose. Except that without their fur paws and catlike costumes, it felt amusingly odd.

" Long time no see!" Iida greeted them with a bow.

" You kitties look like you've been doing well!" Pixiebob smiled broadly at them while Ashido ran to Tiger to get the package of paw pad buns.

" That young delinquent is here too." Whisper pointed at Kota facing away from them.

" Please, come inside." Shoji invited them but they politely declined, saying they ought to go visit class B too.

" But why are you back at UA?" Sato asked having brought a tray of tea for them.

" We came to let you know we're in business again." Pixiebob smiled, holding her hands at Sato as though to tell him not to bother with serving them anything.

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