Battle Training

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It was a few moments of unbearable heavy silence as they watched Midoriya and Uraraka sneak in and cautiously make their way through the corridors.

" Ambush!" A blue glove pointed at the screen as Bakugo jumped from behind a corner, blasting his explosion at Midoriya who acted in time to avoid him and protect Uraraka. When he stood up again, half his mask was burned.

" A surprise attack from the start!"

" Bakugo, that's cheating! A surprise attack isn't manly at all!" Kirishima punched into his hand irritably.

" A surprise attack is a strategy, too." All Might stated, pen in hand to evaluate their work. " They're in the middle of a real battle right now."

" Midoriya's reaction speed, it was good." Whisper noted.

" Green-kun avoided it!" Ashido seemed excited.

" There goes Bakugo!" Kaminari shouted as the other lad went for the attack. However, Midoriya was able to block him and performed an over the shoulder flip, slamming Bakugo on the ground.

" Martial arts!" Sora blinked at how he managed to throw Bakugo off his feet. " That was a good move!"

" It couldn't have been possible if he didn't manage to predict Bakugo-san's moves." Yuu added, staring at the green head. " He really is cool."

Bakugo stood up again, and he seemed angrier than any of them had ever seen him. On another tab, they could see Iida throwing his fists up in frustration.

" Did something happen?" Yuu turned to Sora who shook her head. She didn't have the slightest idea what happened.

" What was Bakugo saying? Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sound." Stated Kirishima.

" He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio." All Might jabbed his finger towards his ear to show them his own. " You can bring that plus the building's floor plan, and this capture tape!" He showed them a role of white tape. " Once you wrap this around your opponent, it shows that you've captured them."

" The time limit is 15 minutes, and the heroes don't know where the nuclear weapon is located, right?" Ashido asked.

" Yes!"

" The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here!"

" Heroes should be able to turn the table on whatever predicament they're in. Besides, didn't Aizawa-sensei tell you, too? You know-" His fist thrusted upwards. " Here we go!"

" Plus Ultra!" The whole class chorused, pumping their fists as well.

" Monsieur, Bakugo is..." It was by far the most important thing Aoyama had ever said. They all focused back on the screen as Bakugo bolted at Midoriya while Uraraka sprinted down the corridor.

Midoriya managed to guard against Bakugo's kick and he almost wrapped the capture tape around his leg, but another swing from the blond made him duck away from the explosion.

" Awesome! He is really fast!" The white head marveled at him.

" He got brains, that kid." Whisper smirked.

" That guy's amazing!" Sato exclaimed.

" He's not even using his Quirk, fighting against the guy who finished first in the entrance exam!" Sero was astonished.

" He's pulling back." Yuu spotted the green head running away from his opponent.

Aoyama sighed. " Running away isn't stylish."

" Idiot! He is being cautious. He needs a plan." Elaborated the ghost as they watched Bakugo searching the corridors for the green head.

" He seems really angry. It's scary!"

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