A Miracle

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Although the maze was over, with that mess, it was hard to figure out which way led where. Even Irinaka was in no state to put the whole thing the way it was and he was enraged with Toga and Twice there was no getting any information from him.

Aizawa was hesitant. Now that the League got involved, Yuu could tell he was seriously considering pulling back. But Rock Lock snapped at him, telling him to prioritize saving Eri. " If you get it, then hurry up and move your legs!"

Aizawa turned around and darted down the trail and the rest followed his heed. There was no dithering now. As they rushed ahead, they came across one of Chisaki's lackeys knocked out on the ground. The police stopped to take care of him while the heroes moved on. Yuu's ears perked when he heard something. Togata-senpai! " Midoriya-san, behind this wall!" He yelled steering Kyubi in that direction. Midoriya went after them and they broke through.

What they had seen was a beaten up Togata getting attacked by Chisaki. Midoriya didn't hesitate as he bounced on him, punching him hard on the arm. Aizawa erased the villain's Quirk while Nighteye rushed to Togata and Eri, checking on them.

Yuu hurriedly scanned the room, watching for any other enemies. There were two of Chisaki's henchmen strewn there, unconscious. Chisaki was trying hard to use his Quirk but to no avail. Midoriya, Yuu, and Aizawa went for the attack. They could wrap things there and then. But...

" Get up, Chrono !" Kyubi haltered, and Aizawa pushed Midoriya away just as something nocked his wrist. It was protruding from the man in the white coat on the ground.

Chrono is... Yuu's eyes widened as he realized that. " Sensei!"

" That's bad! He won't be able to prevent himself from blinking!" Whisper cried.

" Everyone take cover!" Yuu shouted as he sensed the danger, but Midoriya rushed on just as Chisaki slammed his hand on the ground.

" It's all for nothing!" A forest of spikes rose up from underneath them, how Kyubi managed to keep them safe was yet a mystery. One of Chisaki's men fell right beside him and the villain did something that would haunt Yuu's nightmares forever, he destroyed himself and his own follower to merge into one.

"What the..." Even Whisper couldn't find any words to describe what he had witnessed. " He... how could he... He practically killed himself for a moment there!"

Yuu's eyes however darted around. Aizawa-sensei... where is he? But the teacher was nowhere to be seen. Nor was the man who injured him. It can't be!

" What a sad life you had, Lemillion." The monster that was talking in Chisaki's voice said. " If you hadn't gotten involved with Eri- with me, then your Quirk wouldn't be lost forever."

" For... ever..." Yuu's heart skipped a beat. They had finished it then. The drug that could rob one of one's Quirk. And to think their first victim was Togata. He looked back at the battered blond. Don't tell me... he continued fighting... even with his Quirk gone!

" How vexing!" Whisper shouted." How dare you! That soldier... that soldier... He was a great one... He had a bright path before him..." Yuu could tell how much Whisper was frustrated. He was too. Togata had come a long way, and had worked hard to control his Quirk and refine it to that level. Yet...

Midoriya was the first to move in retaliation, attempting to impale Chisaki with a chunk of rock but it backfired on him. Luckily Nighteye stepped in. " I will be his opponent!" He yelled while attacking Chisaki, drawing his attention to him. " You go to Lemillion and Eri-chan!"


" Where did Eraser go?! Your aide isn't here, either?"

" I'm interested in heroes who can erase Quirks, so he's been shown to the VIP room!" Yuu gritted his teeth at Chisaki's answer.

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