Pool Day

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Sora was rather surprised when Midoriya messaged her, telling her about the endurance training in the school's pool. She had rather a peculiar feeling about it.

It was confirmed once he told her it was Mineta and Kiminari's idea. Better warn everyone then.

And so, that's how they ended up using the school swimsuit instead of their own. However, it didn't stop the short boy from ogling at them.

The girls embarked on a game of ball while the boys got into training. From what Sora could see, it was a hard rough one. After almost an hour, Iida told them to take a break while bringing out a cooler full of juice cans.

Yuu had just reached the end of the pool when Iida offered him a hand, pulling him out with a smile. " Thank you."

Iida smiled widely before his attention went in another direction, Midoriya was trying to catch his breath after that long training. " Midoriya-kun."

He looked up as the duo approached. " You've been doing your best I see," Whisper smirked.

" You need to take a break," Iida said offering a canister to him and one other to Yuu. They both thanked him as they popped them open. However, the way Iida was looking at them was rather concerning.

" What?"

Iida just kept smiling. " Nothing, I just thought it was strange." He said taking a seat on a stand. " During the entrance exams, I didn't think I'd end up being good friends with either of you."

Thinking back about it, Yuu didn't as well. As he was especially rebuked by the blunette, it was hard to imagine them getting as close as they were now. Still, despite that, Iida approached them both on the first day of school, more or less apologizing for his behavior. It was thanks to that that they ended up like they were at that moment. Else, he would have been scared of him and wouldn't dare speak to him at all. I'm glad that Iida-san was the one to approach us back then.

He looked back at Midoriya and Iida as they kept recalling the past events from the first semester. A gentle smile formed on his face. Frankly speaking, he didn't expect to make friends at all when he first set foot on the ground of the school. He expected to be shunned and bullied like during elementary and junior high. However, UA proved to be a home for him. He was enjoying his time there that he was dreading the end of the day.

For him who didn't have any place at all in the past, UA was where he would spend more time with Sora and his friends. A place where he was accepted for who he is. Where he was welcomed.

" Seijin-kun..." Yuu blinked when Iida called him, only to realize he spaced out.

" Uh... Sorry..."

" To think about it, I didn't get to ask you, Seijin-kun," Said Midoriya with a smile. " Why did you want to become a hero?"

Yuu fumbled with his can as he racked his mind, trying to recall how it all started. " Maybe it was because I wanted attention..." Both of them blinked at him.

" You see, my family has a very different opinion of my Quirk, so as a kid, I yearned for their attention. Seeing them gathered around the TV and following the news of the top heroes made me think. Maybe if I become one, they would look more at me. That and I wanted to be strong. Strong enough to defend myself against spirits who liked to pull pranks on me."

" Pull pranks on you?"

" Just imagine being asleep in your bed and then feeling something walking over you and seeing a face smiling eerily down at you in the dark."

Midoriya gulped with his eyes wide open.

" That's very terrible!" Iida was waving his hands around rather frantically. " And you were a kid back then! That's unforgivable!"

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