chapter fifty eight // run

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I was frozen to the spot.

Did she just say what I think she just said?


"Are you alright dear?" She snapped me out of my nightmarish reverie.

"Is it possible that the Martel line, like ours, is still alive?" I asked, my shocked, terrified voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, most definitely." She answered surely and suddenly. A dreadful woman named Marie Martel runs a dark arts school, she doesn't think much people know of it but we do, and I'm pretty sure she has a daughter."

Dawning realization rushed over me, "That's why." I whispered, more to myself than to her.

"What was that dear?"

"This girl, Eudora. Eudora Martel has been terrorizing me at school, and as of late, following me as well." My mouth spoke the words but I felt like I was out of my body watching the scene unfold.

Everything made so much sense now. My mind was putting together pieces while my mouth spoke the words that made my grandma seem to shiver.

"She must be looking for the pendant." My grandmother muttered, lost in thought.

"The pendant? You don't mean..."

"Oh yes hun, I do. Aliah may not have had children but her sister did, and her nieces wanted to avenge their late aunt."

I looked up, trying to make my brain slow down in order to attain more information, "They stole the pendent back, without blood shed of course. Our family line has always had honor unlike that filth."

"Who has it now?" I asked beside myself with shock.

"Well, I do of course." Her cheeks warmed as she smiled and I wondered how she could be so calm in a situation like this. Especially when I was on the brim of a full fledged panic attack.

"WHAT!" I practically shouted.

"It's yours now." She pulled a box out from the cabinet beside her chair, after inserting an old antique looking key.

"What do you mean? No, I can't take that." I was backing away into the chair and shaking my head vehemently.

"It's allegiance will be yours now Athena." She locked her serious eyes with my frightened ones.

"Why? Why did my mother never receive it?"

"Your mother is an extraordinary witch, but I sought to wait until the very last moment possible before passing it on in order to keep her away from the danger. It's the same reason I've kept it from you. I didn't want y'all to have the same fate as our dear Aliah."

My mind was racing, and I could feel sweat start to prickle upon my hairline.

"But now," She continued, "Now you have the story, you have the power. You're an eclectic witch, I can not keep it. It is not rightfully mine, not anymore."

She handed the pendant over, closing my hands around it with hers, "You must take great care of it. It's powers are strong with any witch but you're an eclectic, it's full powers are unlocked with you."

I couldn't believe my ears. Just months ago I had no idea this world existed, now I have the most important artifact of witch history in my hands.

"Eudora must be planning to steal that locket for her mother and the woman she runs that horrid school with. You must be careful, and you need to get back. God knows what she and that awful woman are planning on your school."

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