chapter forty eight // anger

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This past week has been amazing, I feel like Sage and I have never been stronger. We've updated our friends on the situation and they're just as hellbent on revenge as I am.

"I never doubted you once." Hera said, and heads turned her way with a glare.

This weekend is prom and I'm actually excited. I've never been one to be happy about something so trivial but I've also never had a partner I've cared about this much and girl friends I actually enjoy. Today was Monday, so I was walking along the corridors with Sage to get to Herbology.

"Hello class, please get into partners we're going to be testing the properties of water herbs." Professor Greens voice boomed across the green lawn as we made our way across it.

All in all, the class was pretty fun. Finals were nearing, so the stress to cram in as much knowledge as you could was thick in the school atmosphere.

The girls and I have been studying everyday, switching between rooms and our hangout place. I'd say we're pretty confident in ourselves to get full marks.

"Did y'all see anything last time?" Aurora asked on our way to Divination.

"Nope." I lied. I've been keeping these visions to myself out of worry of sounding like a mad woman.

"Yeah, me either." She frowned.

"I thought I saw a glimpse of a white dress," Sage started, "Maybe it has something to do with the upcoming prom." She smiled.

"I think I saw a burrito." Hera interjected.

We all stopped and stared at her humorously, "What?" She looked affronted.

We all laughed as we made our way into the warm, cozy atmosphere of the divination classroom, "Okay class, we will be proceeding in our methods of scrying. I would like us to use natural water today so if you would follow me out to the lake please." Her soft voice echoed around the room.

"Hmm, what if someone gets a glance at my vision." Hera huffed.

"I don't think anyone will be too bothered by your burrito." Phoebe answered.

Hera scoffed and made to punch her in the arm, but Phoebe dodged it while she snorted with laughter.

We were now in front of the large lake awaiting Professor Selines instructions, "Same steps as last time, you may begin."

I acted as though I was trying to conquer a vision to Professor Selines eyes but I didn't dare actually try in the off chance that someone might glance at it and see the horrors I see.

Sage gasped from next to me, "What?" I asked, startled.

"Nothing, it's just I think I saw something." She whispered.

But before I could press her on what she saw I was interrupted by the serene voice of our professor, "Okay that's all the time we have ladies, enjoy your next class."

The class scampered off to their next classes. Aurora and I broke from the group to head to B.M.A.S, I was actually thoroughly excited for this class, which sounded bizarre in my mind considering it was my most hated class not too long ago.

"It took us half the year just to get into the interesting stuff." I huffed as I gathered materials for a protection spell.

"Tell me about it. Hopefully we can jump straight into it our senior year." Aurora agreed.

I went quiet for a few seconds. I hated the thought of summer, of course I wanted to get back to At, but leaving Sage for a whole three months couldn't stop playing on my mind. I pushed the thought away and gathered my rosemary into a little circle on my desk.

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