chapter seven // bitter

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I was bemused by the sheer audacity of that pompous asshole.

Nonetheless I left the room and was walking along the grounds of the school as the sky darkened around me.

It was no use arguing with the kid, and it would be nice to look around the building and get a sense of direction about it anyways.

It was pretty much empty on the grounds besides a few students sitting on the grass or surrounding tables.

There was a group of girls sitting in front of a tree taking turns growing flowers, and a group of girls closer to me sitting at a table moving around their hands as blue fire followed.

Never did I ever think I would be at a school as unique as this one, much less one filled with witches.

I desperately needed a chat with Atlas. I needed to update him on everything that's happened in the little time I've spent here, not to mention show him this castle of a school.

It's crazy to think that I haven't even been here for a day and I already have a storybook of things to tell him.

So I made my way towards a lonesome tree in the middle of the grounds, sitting in solitude and away from everyone else.

I slumped down the tree, resting my back on the thick bark and pulled my phone out instantly face timing Atlas.

He picked up after one ring.

Desperate lonely loser.

"Athena!" He exclaimed, "How's it going?"

I chuckled lowly, "I mean, it could be better, but it could also be worse so I don't know where my mood stands at the moment." I gazed off.

"Well are you going to tell me about it or keep staring solemnly into the distance." He snapped sarcastically.

I locked my eyes back with his through the phone screen giving him a glare.

"My roommate is nice, we were getting along until her stupid snobby boyfriend broke through the window." I rolled my eyes.

"Hold on, pause and rewind. What?" He laughed, "That's hilarious."

"No it's not you jerk, he kicked me out of my own room." I scoffed smiling. "My roommate is so fucking hot though At."

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows, "Tell me more."

"Well there's not much I can do is there? She's got a damn boyfriend. Not that she seems to enjoy him all that much." I rolled my eyes and looked back off into the distance.

"Be a home wrecker, it's for a good cause."

"At!" I exclaimed, "You're horrible."

"What?!" He said defensively, "You said yourself he's a douche, you'd be saving her."

"Well she IS one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen." I replied, taking in the mental image of her sitting on her bed when I first arrived today.

"See that's the spirit! There's the Athena I know and love. Mrs steal your girl."

"Okay, now you're just getting carried away. I'm not home wrecking a relationship, even if it's a shitty, toxic one by the looks of it."

He scoffed on the other side of the phone, "Fine! Let the girl of your dreams wander off into the sunset with a douchebag."

I rolled my eyes, "I've known her for like 3 hours!" I chuckled.

"Tomato, Tomahto." He replied.

The sun was now fully set in the horizon and stars were starting to litter the sky little by little.

"As much as I'd love to carry on this insightful conversation..." I said sarcastically while sitting up against the tree bark to prepare myself to stand, "my curfew is coming up so I'll have to talk to you later."

"Okay, keep me updated!" He answered, then with a peace sign, he ended the call.

I reluctantly got up from my comfortable seat in front of the tree and stretched out my limbs.

"You must be the new girl."

Startled, I turned to face a girl around the same height as me, her blue eyes were piercing intimidatingly into mine while her long black hair flowed in the cool night wind.

"Uhm, yes?"

Her icy eyes eyed me up and down. I felt frozen in her gaze. "I'm Eudora. Welcome." She said placidly. The blank, but venomous look in her blue eyes was starting to creep me out.

There was something that felt very off about the pretty stranger, but I couldn't pin point anything.

"Thank you. I'm Athena." I held out my hand tentatively.

She looked down at it and smiled, not returning the gesture. "Interesting. Well I hope you enjoy your time here." And as soon as she arrived she disappeared.

Okay that was weird.

I snapped myself out of the daze I was in and took in a deep breath of the fresh night air. I snapped a few pictures of my surrounding area to show to Atlas later as I made my way, solemnly, back to my dorm room.

I knocked when I arrived, not wanting to walk in on something that would scar me, (like a pasty man's ass in my face) but all I heard was a soft voice on the other side of the door give me the okay to come in.

I opened the door and silently walked towards my side of the room flopping down onto my unmade bed.

"I'm really sorry about that by the way." She voiced.

"No worries, just a little heads-up would be appreciated next time." I chuckled.

She slightly smiled, "You didn't need to be so rude to him though."

Is she being serious right now. I immediately voiced the thought in my head.

My smile faded as quickly as it came, "You're kidding... right?"

She backed up into her bed frame, sinking into her pillows, "No. I don't know, It's just... you were a little harsh for no reason."

"Oh there was plenty reason love." I replied with a deep chuckle, turning my vision towards her spot on the bed.

I noticed her take a sharp intake of breath, followed by a red tint rising on her cheeks, "He didn't do anything."

I smirked at her reaction to the nickname, turning my face back towards the ceiling and away from her burning cheeks.

"But he did." I smiled sitting up from my supine position, "He was quite rude, no?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Just don't talk to him like that again, okay?" She said, mustering up all the courage she seemed to have.

"Then you tell that little boy toy of yours to keep his attitude at bay when speaking to me, okay?"

She rolled her eyes and slid down the bed, pulling the covers over her head, "You just stay put to your side and I'll stay put to mine."

I scoffed at her sudden change in tone and rolled my eyes in return. I angrily turned over and pulled up my covers with unnecessary attitude.

I got my phone out and opened a text with Atlas:

never mind, he can keep her.


a/n any thoughts?

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