chapter nine // rare

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"What?" I chuckled, not believing what she was telling me.

"The last eclectic witch recorded in history was Aliah Adams, born in 1702, over 300 years ago." She informed me with a slight smile, "There are witches who can have more than one type, but witches with all are extremely rare."

I was speechless, I didn't even know I could do magic until 5 days ago, "I don't know what to say..."

"This is good news Athena! You're a one of a kind witch, embrace it!" She smiled, "I'm just lucky I get the chance to mentor you."

This is a good thing I guess, but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that just last week I was studying and studying to pass my end of semester exams and this week I'm in a school for gifted young ladies and apparently I'm a once in a lifetime witch that has magical powers.

It's a lot to take in... Obviously.

"Well you are done for the day." She broke the silence, "You may go back to your dormitory and get a good nights rest, you start classes tomorrow! Your roommate has been assigned to be your guide, due to the similarity of y'all's schedules, and the fact that y'all are comfortable with each other."

Oh great.

I smiled, nodded, and let myself out.

I decided to stop at the same tree from yesterday —that I was planning on making my spot — and pulled out my phone to call Atlas.

Once again he answered after the first ring, like the lonely loser he is.

"Hey loser, how's it going?" He answered.

"I had my witch sorting today."

"God that still sounds so weird." He chuckled, "Tell me about it."

"Well apparently I'm what they call an eclectic witch. I am every type in one."

"Wait what? That's cool! So you can like, do everything?"

"I don't know!" I chuckled, "Apparently I'm the first one born since 1702. I can't really wrap my head around it."

"1702!" He exclaimed.

"Right! I don't even know anything about this life and now I have this image to uphold." I complained.

"Well on another subject, what's with that text and Sage?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Oh." I rolled my eyes, "That."

"Trouble in paradise?" He grinned.

"I hate you, and no she just started taking up for her boyfriend as soon as I stepped foot back into the room." I fumed, "Telling me that I didn't have to be rude to him and I was harsh." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow." He went silent. "That's kind of fucked up."

"That's what I'm saying! So whatever, there's plenty of more fish in the sea." I scoffed, "But what about you? Any changes over there."

"Well the burnt part of the school is still under construction, so we've been out for the past few days so those building safety people could check out the school and make sure it's safe for the students to come back. We go back tomorrow, sadly." He replied.

"So they have no clue we were there? Or that I started it?" I asked nervously.

"Nope, not that I know of."

A breath of relief escaped my lungs, "Oh thank God."

"Well I guess I should be getting back to my room with my evil roommate." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, remember to keep me updated loser." He hung up.

This bitch.

I rose from the comfort of the tree and made my way towards my dorm, sending Atlas the pictures I took yesterday since I forgot to mention them.

I walked in my dorm with a smile on my face from my conversation with Atlas just for it to immediately drop at the image before me.

Chad the ass was back, and he was lying on top of Sage while her legs were wrapped around his waist, her light blue skirt hiked up to the upper half of her silky thigh so I could glimpse her black underwear, his hands were gripped on her thighs so hard it was sure to leave a mark, he was attacking her mouth so hungrily and so full of lust that he barely noticed me walk in.

"Oh for the love of god." I spoke exasperated, "You're everywhere!"

Sage pushed him off of her and situated her skirt while he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I could say the same about you." He scoffed.

"I literally haven't been here all day. I'm tired, please leave." I replied.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Sage for back up, "Maybe you should go Chad, we'll hang another time." She said nervously.

"You're going to pick her over me?" He retorted, eyeing her with disgust.

God he's such a piece of shit.

"Chad, you know that's not true. It's just I have to be respectful, I have a roommate now." She fought desperately to explain.

"You're unbelievable." He hissed, standing angrily from the bed and heading towards the window, "And you. You should learn how to mind your business."

I stood with my mouth slightly agape, "I did not fucking sign up for this." I muttered. groaning, I dragged my hands down my face in frustration.

When his final limb left the window she eyed me contemptuously, "I asked you not to be so rude." She said lowly.

"Okay look. I'm really fucking tired Sage, I just want to go to sleep without any interruptions and arguments. It's been a really long day, I don't know anyone here, and your boy toy is about to drive me up the wall insane, okay?"

She glowered at me, "It's just he gets so angry when you treat him like that and he takes it out on me, I don't appreciate dealing with the aftermath of your mess."

"Are you seriously so blinded by dick that you can't see how much of a problem starter he is?" My voice rose.

She furrowed her brows, "I- You have no business speaking of our relationship!" She stuttered out.

"Oh that's real rich, considering he's the one bringing it to me." I scoffed and walked towards the bathroom, slamming the door.

I was really in no mood to deal with this, I was sleep deprived, hungry, and without company. Well company that I actually enjoy that is.

I changed into loose black sweats and a white sports bra, I put my hair back into a low ponytail and washed my face.

Returning to my room I sat instantly on my bed pulling the covers over my head not wanting anymore interaction with the girl.

But as I sat there in silence I heard sniffles coming from the darkness on the other side of the room.

Oh you've got to be joking me.


a/n this was kind of a boring chapter, my apologies 😭

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