chapter forty two // strange

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"You would not believe the rumors going around school." Atlas's voice rung from the other side of the phone.

"Well what are you waiting for? Tune me in." I replied back, intrigued.

Sage hopped out of the covers from her side of the room and came to sit criss cross on mine.

"Some people are saying he was tripping on acid, and some think he was mugged." Atlas laughed.

"He doesn't remember you punching him?" Sage chimed in.

"I guess not or the police would have came to my door by now." He said nonchalantly, "He probably was tripping on acid."

"So he has no idea how he got up there?" I laughed.

"Not as far as I know." He grinned, "The fucker got way less than what he deserved anyways." Atlas scoffed.

"Yeah, maybe now every time he cat calls a woman, he'll be reminded of the horrible events he went through last time he did that." I spoke.

"Fuck yeah, psychologically planting trauma. I fuck with this." Hera bursted into the room, "Yeah I was eavesdropping." She added at our confused looks.

She came and sat down beside Sage, "I'm wiped." She groaned.

"Today was such an easy day though." Sage laughed.

"What's your point?" She furrowed her eyebrows. Her short hair was splayed across my covers like a tiny red peninsula.

Sage sighed and put her palm to her forehead, "Well I guess I'll let you go At, talk to you soon."

He smiled and held up a peace sign before ending the call. My phone did the familiar three beeps and I clicked it off then threw it onto my bed.

"I agree with Hera. I'm wiped." I groaned.

"See!" Hera glanced at Sage, "I'm not the only one with an undeniable low energy level."

"Okay now." I shot back.

My phone dinged with a text notification and I picked it up thinking it would be Atlas with some follow up story, but it was a random number.

it's aurora, got a new phone number, can you meet me on the grounds? I need some advice :)

"Hey guys, I'll be back, apparently Aurora wants to meet me on the grounds." I pulled a 'hmm' face.

"Huh." Hera leaned up from her supine position onto her elbows, with confusion etched onto her face  but nonetheless went back to conversation with Sage.

I grabbed a small jacket since the grounds tend to get a bit chilly at night and dashed out of the front door.

I pulled out my phone to tell Aurora I was on the way. I wonder what advice she needs from me specifically. Usually we get the whole group involved when we need advice on something.

I reached the double doors that led out to the square patch of grass and scattered stone tables, walking briskly into the cool evening air I looked around to see if I could spot Aurora.

I continued my walk until I was in the very heart of the green square, but still, she was no where to be found.

There were a couple of groups out right now scattered amongst the tables. One of the groups being Eudora and her cronies, who I noticed were avidly staring at me, not even trying to hide the fact that they were blatantly looking my way.

I locked eyes with Eudora for a split second before scrunching up my face in annoyance and continuing my search for Aurora.

I pulled out my phone to tell her I was here and that I couldn't find her, and got a message back almost immediately.

never mind, silver helped me out, sorry for wasting your time and thank you for trying to help :)

I furrowed my eyebrows at the text. I was extremely confused but shook off the weird feeling building in my chest and made my way back down the outside stone corridor until I, once again, reached the double doors leading to my dorm room.

I walked through the silent halls racking my brain for an explanation. I figured that if Aurora had changed numbers she would've mentioned it at the hangout today, but on the other hand she could've just genuinely forgot.

And why did she only call me down? Maybe she was having relationship issues and I'm the only other person in the group that's in a relationship, but so is Sage and she's known her longer.

Why were Eudora and her friends there, and why were they staring at me so hardcore? It could just be a coincidence.

After minutes of my internal battle with myself, I emerged through the heavy oak door and entered the safety of my dorm room once again.

The room was now empty besides Sage, "When did Hera go?" I asked.

"Oh, just a few minutes ago." She sat up on her bed, "What did Aurora need?"

"Apparently Silver ended up helping her with whatever it was." I shrugged.

"Hmm." Her eyebrows furrowed and her bottom lip raised subtly, "That's a bit odd."

"It is right? I said the same thing." I agreed, "I don't know, I just want to go to sleep." I groaned and face planted into my bed.

"Would you like some company?" She grinned.

"Very much so."


The next day consisted of the same old routine I've been following since I got here; Herbology, where we were focusing on water herbs now, then Divination, where we were still taking notes on scrying methods and safety measurements, Basic M&S where we were learning about protection spells, ("The basis of every spell is protection, you must ALWAYS learn how to protect yourself before proceeding into spells")

After that was lunch where the girls and I gossiped; our topic this time being how funny it was to give who we call 'blonde jerk' a valuable lesson he wouldn't forget this time. Then there was Elements, where we continued working on growing seedlings into plants, but this time we worked with fruits. I really enjoyed this lesson since Professor Green let us keep the fruit we grew.

Astronomy/Astrology was as boring as last lesson and Psychic basics we talked about chakras and how to awaken them, so it was a very thorough day and I was quite glad for it to be over and finally have time to sit and relax.

But as always, I had responsibilities to take care of, "Hey baby." My tired voice was low and raspy, "I need to go turn in some books to the library, they're due today." I smiled at her.

"Okay." She smiled back.

"Do you have any you want me to return for you?" I got up and stood in front of her, taking her hands in mine.

"Nope, all caught up." She grinned and pecked my lips, "Thank you though."

"Anything for you." I leaned down for another peck.

I waved her goodbye and gave her a slight wink before turning out of the door and going through the outside grounds to the library, which was a tiny building to the left of our massive one.

I dumped my books into the return bin and turned on my feet to walk back. I wanted to cuddle Sage.

I bursted through the door with a smile on my face, "I'm back!" I dragged the words. But Sages face was far from happy, her eyes bore into mine with a glimpse of something I haven't seen since the beginning of the year...


oh snap

the plot thickens

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