chapter eighteen // hangout

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"Go lay down Athena." She smiled.

"All this rejection doesn't do well for my ego you know?" I joked, sliding a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh you'll live." She mocked.

I chuckled and walked to my bed, taking a seat, "No seriously, my pride is taking serious shots right now."

She rolled her eyes playfully, " Goodnight Athena." She shut off the lamp to the room.

"Goodnight Sage."


The next morning was a rush of events. I woke up late and had to rush through everything, and even then I was still late to my first class.

Though at the moment, I was currently sat in my 3rd class of the day, sitting next to Aurora and tapping my foot madly on the ground with impatience.

At the first millisecond of the bell sounding I was up on my feet to head to lunch.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Aurora spoke from behind me.

"That class was just extremely boring." I answered truthfully.

"True." She agreed, cocking her head to the side.

We arrived through the glass doors into the noisy atmosphere of our school cafeteria. After Aurora and I grabbed our choice of food we sat down at our usual table and started up a random conversation.

"So Athena, any love interest yet?" Hera raised her eyebrows.

"I've got my eye on one particular girl." I side eyed Sage who suddenly stopped chewing.

"Oh! Deets?" Hera chimed.

This place was already more accepting than my old school. One word about me dating a girl and I was a social pariah back at home. I loved how they didn't even question it, just continued the conversation.

"Hazel eyes, brown hair, but I don't know. She's playing hard to get." I smirked, "Just got out of a messy relationship and all."

Sage choked on her water.

"That's too bad." Hera playfully frowned, "My love life is just as sad and empty as my soul."

The table laughed.

As I took a bite out of my apple I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder, "Hey, uhm, Athena right?"

A pretty girl with short blonde hair and glasses over her piercing green eyes stood above me. She was wearing a plaid skirt with a white button down tucked in. It looked like a school uniform.

I turned slightly in my chair, eyeing the girl, "Yes ma'am." I looked her up and down subtly.

The table went silent, trying to catch every word she was saying, "I've noticed you're in Psychic basics with me and was wondering if you could help me with this paper." She said nervously, noticing all the eyes on her.

"Of course." I turned and smiled at the group of girls in front of me, "How about we go somewhere more quiet." I smiled standing up.

"Sure." She grinned ear to ear.

I left the table, giving one last look toward the group of girls, raising my eyebrows flirtatiously.

Phoebe was laughing uncontrollably, Hera was holding in her laughter with difficulty, Aurora was watching us intently with a smile on her face, and Sage was glaring at the stranger next to me.

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