authors note

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HI and welcome to my story!

there's just some things i'd like to clarify before you begin the story!

one: this IS a wlw story so if by some off chance you didn't catch that, I'm telling you now.

two: at the academy, age is different from regular school, so although they are juniors, they are all 18 years old.

three: and speaking of, I would like to let you know that this is an 18+ story, I'm 20 myself and if you are below at least 16, please just click off and find another story.

four: this story contains strong language, sexual content, and violence, so again I'd prefer 17+ only to continue with this story. thank you:)

five: this is only the second book i've ever written so it may be messy at points but I rlly did my best to leave no plot holes and make an exciting fantasy story, constructive criticism is always welcome, but rude, hateful comments will be removed and you will be blocked. remember this is just a story.

six: most of the time the songs i use have a certain part i want them to be played at so be looking out for my notes!

seven: the pictures i use for outfits, i try to make look like the characters as much as possible. so they'll have the same body type, hair, skin tone, but i keep out the faces, i want you to imagine them your own way.

i hope whoever stumbled upon this will enjoy my writing and stick with me to the end:)

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