chapter ten // firsts

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My alarm went off at 8:30 A.M and I shut it off angrily, just wanting to go back to sleep.

It was another restless night. I wasn't used to sleeping here and I was overthinking all night on if I should ask Sage what was wrong.

I never ended up confronting her, emotions were high and to be honest I was still kind of angry and didn't feel like adding fuel to the fire.

I can see that Chad doesn't make her happy but what am I supposed to do?

I got up and went towards my drawer to pick out an outfit. I was so thankful that this school didn't make us wear uniforms, apparently my mother had uniforms when she came here but our new headmistress fought against them. She said she wanted us to be able to express ourselves creatively through our clothing.

I grabbed a pair of black pants, a white bordered crop top, and a simple black jacket, then went into the comfort of my solitary bathroom to get dressed.

After brushing my teeth and hair I exited the bathroom and grabbed accessories to add to my outfit, including a belt and a couple of chains.

Sage was already dressed and ready on the other side of the room, she wore light baggy jeans with a thin cropped white tank top paired with a light green tie on.

Her wavy dark brown hair flowed over her shoulders as she bent down to pick up her school bag.

She really was beautiful, why did she have to be such a jerk?

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She really was beautiful, why did she have to be such a jerk?

"Heard you're my guide for the day, so let's say we play nice?" I broke the silence.

"It was never my intention to be mean to you." She replied hastily.

I didn't answer and instead opened the door and gestured for her to take the lead. She exhaled as she walked past me.

I got out my schedule and goggled at the classes I will now be taking:

* Herbology - Prof. Green
* Divination - Prof. Seline
* Basic magick & spells 3 - Prof. Grace
* Elements - Prof(s). Silver, Green, Verna, Rosmerta
* Astronomy/Astrology - Prof. Estrella
* Psychic basics - Prof. July

I know that I have herbology, elements, divination, and astronomy/astrology with Sage so it's just the other two I have to worry about getting to by myself.

We walked, with her in the lead, in silence all the to a hut outside of the huge building that had a group of students huddled in front of it.

Professor Green emerged from the hut, "Welcome students to day one back from your break. I hope you are rejuvenated and ready for your second semester."

After her little speech we followed her into the hut and began a lesson on kitchen herbs and their medicinal properties.

It was interesting to say the least. I was glad to be rid of the useless math and history that I would never use in the real world.

As much as I hate to say it, my mother was right about me enjoying this school more than the other.

A bell rang on the grounds, signaling for us to gather our things and head to our next class, which in my case was divination.

"You know you're going to have to talk to me sometime right?" I slightly yelled from behind Sage, who was walking very fast.

Not that I was complaining about the view.

"Then keep up." She said, not slowing her pace.

I jogged a little to catch up with her, "You look amazing today by the way." I looked her up and down.

Her lips slightly upturned at the corners of her mouth, "Come on or we will be late."

"Yes ma'am."

It's hard to stay mad at someone who looks like that.


Divination went by quickly, we were practicing tarot. I had basic magick and spells on my own, which also went by quickly, well after taking forever to find it.

Then it was lunch time. And when I arrived in the cafeteria it took me by surprise.

The ceiling was so high up it reminded me of a castle, the walls were brick and the ground was a smooth white marble tile, there were different stations all around labeled by different food genres and the tables were smooth stone.

I didn't have much friends so instead of dealing with the dilemma of having to find a seat I decided to grab an apple and banana from the fruit tray and walk the grounds.

On my way to the door, I noticed Sage sitting at a table with 3 other very pretty girls. One had brown skin and beautiful curly hair, she was talking to a dark red haired girl next to her with deep green eyes, the final girl at the table had tan skin and long light brown hair she was talking to Sage and writing in a journal.

I snapped myself out of my gaze and headed out into the grounds for a walk and some fresh air.


I found elements by myself surprisingly. Sage walked in a few minutes after me accompanied by the pretty brown skinned girl.

Is it a requirement to be sexy to join here? Jesus christ.

Sage and the pretty stranger with her sat a row in front of me diagonally.

"Morning class." I heard a familiar voice. "Welcome back, we still have the same order as last semester; Earth, Water, Air, And then Fire."

I was confused? So they alternate a teacher each day for this class? This school is so odd.

We learned about the natural remedies earth has to offer and were given a heads up on tomorrow's water lesson to bring a rain coat.

My next class was astronomy/astrology which I had with Sage, so I caught up with her, "Hey. Did you miss me?"

She rolled her eyes with a slight grin and continued walking.

"Hey, I'm Phoebe." The stranger with her introduced herself.

"Athena." I smiled.

We both walked side by side to the next class which was up way too many flights of stairs.

We did birth charts which were fairly complicated to try and figure out without google, my last class passed me by in what felt like a few seconds.

My first day of witch school was finally complete.


a/n this chapter was kind of all over the place, sooo i apologize for that!

y'all have met phoebe! who's going to become a major character in this story.

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