chapter three // suprise

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I burst out into a fit of laughter. A witch? They can't be serious.

I continued my laughing fit until I noticed my parents were still sitting straight faced. Just waiting for me to finish my outburst so they could continue.

"Oh, you aren't joking?" I straightened up and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"No sweetheart, we exist. I'm one, your grandmother is one, we come from a long line of witches." She explained.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

I couldn't help but feel a little angry and betrayed. If I was really a witch, why would she keep that information from me? As the thoughts in my head started to click I realized I really did start that fire at the school, maybe If I knew I was capable of doing something like that I would've been more careful. What if I did it during school, and people got hurt?

"We were hoping nothing would ever happen during your childhood and teenage years." My mother tried to explain, almost pleadingly.

"Well didn't you think that this is something I would like to know?" My voice was raising. "I set my school on fire!"

She looked hesitantly at my dad then put her head down staring at her feet, "Sometimes it skips a generation, we noticed small things when you were a child but they could've been a coincidence. We didn't want to tell you something this huge of importance if it wasn't true."

I stared at my parents dumbfounded. A witch? What's next? Vampires?

"I don't understand, is dad one too?" I gestured an arm at my father.

"Oh lord no." He replied, breaking his silence, "When I met your mom, I had no idea that she was even one. It was interesting news to find out to say the least."

My mind was running and all the things I didn't understand about myself before were starting to click into place. Like finding the missing piece of a puzzle you've been working on your whole life.

Like when I wanted my bubble baths to be more hot, the water would automatically heat up at my thought. Or at bonfires when I would get angry and the flames of the fire would magnify.

It was like a piece of me was missing and this conversation put the missing piece into place.

"I'm really a witch?" I asked in a low whisper, "I can do magic?"

My mother nodded softly, "Yes Athena, which is why we can't keep you at this school anymore."

"WHAT?!" I yelled in surprise. As if being a witch wasn't enough information to bare, they wanted to uproot my whole life? "No! No way."

"Athena Black." She said sternly, taken aback by my outburst.

"You'll listen to your mother Athena." My father chipped in.

"Mom my whole life is here! Where else would I go?" I stood up.

"The witches academy for the the young and gifted!" She stood up to meet my gaze, "It's an amazing school and you would learn a lot there."

I slunk back down into the couch pouting, "This isn't fair! What about Atlas?!"

"The school is only a 4 hour drive, it's not like you would never see him again." She said dismissively.

FOUR HOURS?! Why is this my life.

"I don't see why I need to go to some stupid witch school when I'm doing perfectly fine here!" I ranted walking towards the door. "You're uprooting everything I have built here!" I slammed the door shut behind me and started a brisk walk towards Atlas's house.

I was fuming. I could feel the heat on my face and the tingling in my fingertips. A new school? And four hours away? I absolutely hate change and boy was this a big one.

I stood in front of Atlas's door and banged on it rapidly.

"Jeez, what's your damage? Banging on my door like a mad woman." He opened the door, a bemused look on his face.

"We need to talk." I pushed past him, walking into his house and up the stairs towards his room, "Well come on!" I added when I noticed he wasn't behind me.

With a bewildered expression he followed my lead into his room.

"What is so important for you to barge into my place of living looking like you're on a war path?"

"I'm a witch."

"Yeah and I'm a werewolf." He started laughing. Mocking the same exact reaction I had in front of my parents.

But when I didn't return his laugh his face dropped, exactly as mine did.

"Why aren't you laughing?" He asked nervously.

"That was my reaction too, but no, seriously I am. My parents just told me like 10 minutes ago."

"What do you mean a witch?" He asked clearly confused.

"I accidentally started that fire on the book last night." I frowned.

"But how is that possible?" He ran a hand over his fluffy brown hair, an action he did a lot.

"Don't you think I'm wondering the same thing?" I exclaimed, falling back on his bed, letting out a large breath.

"Are you messing with me?" His tone went accusatory.

"I wish I was, my parents want to ship me off to some witch academy school." I replied honestly.

"WHAT!" He exclaimed.

"I know! It's 4 hours away. I don't want to go At." I pouted.

"I'm sorry, this is a lot to take in." He started to pace his room, "So you have like...magic powers?"

"Well I sat a book on fire so I'm leaning towards yes." Atlas came from the door way and plopped down beside me on the bed.

"This is insane Athena. How did you do it?"

"I don't know, I was reading her diary and it made me really really mad, then bam, the book was on fire."

"What could've made you mad enough to start a fire with your bare hands." He raised a brow.

"She called me a fag and said I give her fuck me eyes." His mouth dropped, "And she said your style is ass and that's why you get no play." He sat up, mouth still agape.

"That's so shitty." He replied.

I followed his movements and sat up as well, "I know right. It was like something came over me and my whole body filled with heat and rage."

"Well what are you going to do?" He asked, seeming genuinely ready for my answer.

"Want to run away to the Bahamas with me?"

i've been getting a boat load of comments on how she believes it so fast but y'all have to understand she's been doing weird things that she never understood since she was a kid 😭 being told something that puts all those odd times into perspective is going to be more believable for someone like her.

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