chapter six // welcome

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"Hi." The stranger said in a small voice, obviously startled by the intrusion.

All of a sudden I was very nervous, "Hi! Uhm I'm Athena. Sorry, I probably should've knocked first, I didn't mean to intrude." I said very quickly, almost in one breath.

The girl chuckled, "You're okay, I was expecting you. Olivia gave me the heads up yesterday." She smiled and rose from her bed.

The green dress slid down her legs as she stood and reached her mid thigh, she walked towards me and held out a hand, "I'm Sage." She smiled.

"Well nice to meet you Sage." I returned her hand shake. She was a few inches shorter than me, "Very very nice." I muttered very lowly.


"Nothing sorry." I nervously smiled and backed up, stumbling over my suitcase. "Fuck."

"Uhm, I should probably unpack. I'm assuming this is my dresser?" I pointed to the one closest to my bed.

Jesus fuck Athena. This is not very bad bitch, top energy of you.

"Yes indeed." She smiled, showcasing a perfect set of teeth. I stared at her in awe without even realizing I was probably being creepy.

"What? Is there something in my teeth?" She asked, suddenly covering her mouth.

"Oh no no. I'm sorry, you're just like really fucking pretty." I said honestly.

"Oh," She smiled nervously, a red tint rising on her freckled cheeks. "Thank you."

"Anytime." I replied, gaining some confidence back at her flustered state.

I looked her up and down, taking in every inch of beauty she had to offer.

I snapped myself from my naughty thoughts and started unpacking my clothes and folding them neatly into my newly assigned dresser.

"I'm assuming you've gotten a schedule?" She broke the silence.

"Oh yes, I haven't even looked at it yet." I paused my action of putting clothes up and grabbed my bag pulling out the papers I was given by Mrs. Brown.

As my eyes scanned the paper my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I've never heard of any classes like this in my whole life, there were things like herbology, divination, basic magick and spells year 3, elements, and astronomy/astrology.

I heard Sage chuckle from above me, "So I'm guessing you're new to the world of magic?"

I looked up and met eyes with the pretty girl, "That obvious huh?" I grinned "But yes, very new, as in I just found I was a witch 4 days ago new." I replied

Her mouth fell slightly agape, "Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine how you must feel right now."

"It's honestly insane. One day I was a normal teenage girl going to school, then the next, an arsonist!" I joked.

She laughed, "So I'm guessing you're a fire witch?"

I looked at her in confusion.

"Oh, of course." She noticed my confused state and nodded in understanding, "Well everyone here is in a category according to what type of witch you are. You said arsonist so I just assumed you accidentally started a fire?" She chuckled.

"Well you'd be correct. So I guess that I am?" I sat back down in front of my drawer and continued folding my clothes into it.

"You'll find out for sure when you take your initiation test." The scary word just flowed from her mouth as if it was the most normal thing to say to a person who has no idea about this world.

"My what?!" That sounded scary.

"Oh it's nothing bad! Just a test you go through to figure out your powers and what type of witch you are so the headmistress can sort you." She smiled warmly.

"Oh, well what type are you? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh I'm a green witch." She smiled, coming to sit down on the edge of my bed, putting her hands in her lap, "It pretty much includes anything to do with the earth. We are also classified as earth or garden witches."

"I should've guessed." I said smiling at her.

"How so?" Her eyebrows knitted together and I found it cute.

"Well for starters, your side of the room is filled with plants and you give off very earthy vibes." I chuckled.

She looked around at her side of the room, then down her body at her clothes. "I guess you're right, it is pretty obvious." She laughed.

"Do you mind if I see your schedule?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, not at all." I handed her the thin piece of paper.

I watched her as she slightly bit her lip in thought and furrowed her eyebrows once again. The hair behind her shoulder fell over and rested on her collarbone.

God she really was hot.

"We have herbology, divination, elements, and astronomy/astrology together!" She exclaimed, "That's more than half of our classes."

"So I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you then?" I said lowly with a smirk.

She was silent for a few seconds and sat up from my bed to go to her side again, "Seems so." She answered nonchalantly.

"Oh and I hope you don't mind." She addressed me.

"Don't mind wha-" I turned around to look at the pretty girl, but quickly saw what she meant.

There was a tall, muscly teenage boy struggling through the window of the dorm, he had what looked like a school uniform on and his blonde short hair came into sight then the rest of his lengthy body followed.

"Baby!" He grunted full of lust and grabbed a handful of her ass with one hand while pulling her deep into his chest with the other before placing a rough, hungry kiss on her lips. "I missed you." He looked her up and down with dark eyes.

She looked taken aback by his sudden movements. "I uhm, missed you too Chad." She anxiously smiled.

After their embrace and greeting she turned her eyes nervously towards me. His eyes soon followed in confusion, then landed on me.

"Who are you?" He glowered in my direction.

I scoffed, "What the fuck does it look like."

He looked me up and down in a pompous manner, "Well do you mind giving me and my girlfriend some space, we have a LOT..." He turned and looked hungrily at Sages body, "of catching up to do."

I looked at the snobby kid in disbelief.

"Well?" He barked snappily.

I locked eyes with Sage, hoping she would help me out but all she did was look downwards as our eyes met and shrugged her shoulders nervously.

Oh you've got to be fucking joking me.

I don't know what it was, but seeing his greasy hands all over her body made me unreasonably angry. Was it the fact that she was obviously uncomfortable with his sudden movements or was I maybe a tad wee bit jealous it was his hands and not mine?


A/N thoughts ???

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