chapter fifty four // permission

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We all stopped abruptly, every gaze now on Aurora.

The silence was so thick you could hear a pencil drop from a mile away.

"Is this her?" She slowly turned the book in her hands towards my eye line.

My blood ran cold at the sight of the strange woman once again, "Yes! That's her! That's the woman I saw."

Auroras face froze, and no one seemed to be confused, just shocked.

"What? Why are you all looking like that, who is it?" I asked, puzzled at their reactions.

"Athena," Phoebe paused as if she had to soak up the information before she could spew it out, "That's Aliah Adams."

The name sounded so familiar but I couldn't quite put a pin on it, the confusion showed on my face apparently because Phoebe felt the need to further elaborate.

"The eclectic," She said slowly, "The last one, before you."

Realization dawned on me as this information suddenly seemed to make everything worse instead of better.

Instead of relief I felt dread. Now it would be foolish of me to push this under the rug. I was hoping to find nothing and go back to life as it was, but of course I couldn't be that lucky.

"Athena?" Sages soft voice snapped me out of my dazed state.

"Mhm, yeah?" I shook my head and locked eyes with her, she stared at me with something I've never seen before, was it pity? I didn't like it.

"Okay." I began, "It's just...that's just a lot to take in. I was not expecting that."

"Me and you both sister." Hera added.

"What now?" I asked, at a loss for words.

"I don't know, I've only ever read about stuff like this." Aurora answered. I could tell she was trying hard to hide her feverish excitement for my sake.

"Go on." I made a rolling motion with my hand.

"It's just," She hesitated, "I don't think these are dreams. Well not fully anyway." She stopped again, collecting everyone's reaction before she continued, "I think they're visions."

"Visions?" I said skeptically, raising an eyebrow and scooting closer to the table with connected hands under my chin.

"Yes visions, they happen to some of us." She looked weary again, "And a lot of the time it's witches with connections to a generational line of others like them. Sometimes the dead... reach out."

"Okay you've lost me, are you saying that this Aliah could be my long lost relative? Because that's." I laughed, "I mean, that's crazy right?" I looked around the room, "Right!?"

"I don't know Athena, it doesn't seem that far fetched to me." Sage rested her hand on my shoulder.

"Have you ever spoken to your mom about your heritage?" Phoebe asked.

"She just told me that she is a witch, and so was her mom. I didn't really have too much time after finding out to dig into family history."

Which now thinking back on it, seemed like the normal thing to do after finding out you're a fucking witch. I suddenly felt like an idiot.

"Maybe you should talk to her. I can't see what else we could do that wouldn't lead us to a dead end." Aurora began.

"Yeah, you're right, but how? We aren't allowed to leave school grounds anymore on the weekends." I poured.

"Tell her it's a family emergency! I don't know man, make something up!" Hera exclaimed, "We could be onto some real witch history shit here."

I laughed at her words. Once again she was the comedic relief.

"Well it's Monday today and we still have finals to take this week. So I'll ask her now, and hopefully she'll let me leave by the weekend."

"Good plan. Ándele!" Hera stood up, her chair making an uncomfortable noise as it slid back on the tile floor.

"Alright alright!" I stood up and rapidly stuffed my things into my once organized bag, which now resembled more of a trash bin, "See you at the dorms."

I ran out of the library and walked at a speedy pace all the way to the office where the Headmistress resides, hoping she was still there.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the solid oak door, twiddling my thumbs and staring at the ground as I waited for a response.

"Come in." A soft, but assertive, voice beckoned from the other side.

I opened the door slowly, the creaking loud in the empty air, and stepped in.

"Ahh Miss Black." She smiled, her kind eyes hidden behind round spectacles, "How may I help you?"

"I need to go home this weekend." I blurted, her eyebrows rose.

"Indeed? Why?" She sat down the papers she was reading and removed the glasses from her face.

"There is something really really important I need to talk to my mother about. And no I don't think it's a matter that I could communicate over the phone." I added quickly, sensing that a phone call would be her answer.

It seemed I was right because she went silent for a few moments after my add on, "Very well very well." She gave in, "But don't let me catch you breaking ANY rules Miss Black. I won't be so lenient next time."

"Yes ma'am, thank you!" I turned with a smile on my face and reached for the gold handle set style door knob.

"Oh and Athena?" She her voice interrupted.

I turned with my thumb resting on the top of the handle set, "Yes Miss?"

"Good luck on your final exams."

"Thank you Miss Brown." I smiled and left the room, a pep in my step all the way back to the dorms.

any theories?


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