chapter forty four // vision

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Sage never came back from her walk. I sat up most of the night, just waiting for her to come through the door, but she never did.

So needless to say, I had a pretty restless night. I rolled over begrudgingly and slapped my alarm off, audibly groaning in annoyance as I sat up.

I just wanted her here. I wanted her in my presence, in my arms, and the fact that she wasn't was driving me crazy.

In the time that I wasn't thinking about Sage walking through the door, I was thinking about the revenge plots I would enact once I found out who was behind this.

I pulled on a pair of baggy black sweat pants and slid a matching black hoodie over my shoulders before marching into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Time seemed to be going slower than usual. I felt stuck to the spot, unable to move, until I finally snapped myself back into reality and left my dorm room for class.

Then I saw her, she wasn't dressed in her normal spring-like clothing. She was wearing sweatpants and an over large grey hoodie that was pulled over her head, her bloodshot eyes temporarily locked with mine before she sped away.

Phoebe walked out seconds after her, "Phoebe!" I shouted, desperate for at least one person to hear me out.

"Don't." She said, but something about the way she looked at me was apologetic.

At this moment I just wanted to scream in frustration. Why has everyone automatically jumped to the conclusion that I'm a cheater instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt?

As I sat stationary in the hall way looking aghast at the back of phoebes head, Aurora left the room as well, "Aurora?" I said hopelessly.

She looked down and slightly shook her head with a permanent frown before shooting me a somber glance and heading the same direction as the latter did.

"Alone again?" Eudora slid out of a door on the left, "Pity."

I glared at her, "What the fuck is your problem with me Eudora." I gritted menacingly, "Why don't you just go fuck yourself."

I walked away as fast as I could, I didn't need this today. I had enough going on without having to hear her snide remarks.


Herbology seemed to drag on for a lifetime. I was zoned out the entirety of the class, just hoping that Sage would look at me, glance my way and see in my eyes that I would never touch another woman the way I touch her.

I needed to make this right, and I will stop at no means until it is.

When Divination rolled around I went to the back of the classroom as soon as I entered, not wanting to deal with any unwanted attention.

"Morning class." Professor Seline glided dreamily into the classroom. "I feel we are finally ready to delve into the scrying methods we've been doing so much research on." She smiled.

I noticed behind her were multiple clear bowls with wide openings, "Please come and get a bowl from behind me, fill it with water, then return to your desk for further instruction."

The class dispersed almost immediately to follow her directions, immense excitement thick in the air.

We have been learning and taking notes about scrying for almost 2 weeks now, just itching for the day we would finally be able to try it, so these words coming from Professors Selines mouth was like an early Christmas to the students.

"Okay, now that that's handled, I would like for each of you to close your minds-"

Fat chance. I thought to myself.

"-we will be doing a few minutes worth of meditation to help you do so."

We sat in deafening silence for 5 minutes, clearing our minds and repeating affirmations to ourselves absentmindedly, almost as if it was routine.

"As you all well know, there are multiple ways of scrying. Today we will be using the reflective surface of water. Now, scrying helps us to get in touch with our unconscious minds. Most witches have the gift of seeing, but it takes more practice for some, and less for others, due to this fact, scrying will be taking up the rest of term." She smiled serenely.

I looked down into my water, nothing was there but a gentle ripple caused by the wind of the room, "I've asked you all to bring a clear quartz to class today, so if you will pull that out now."

A short girl with blonde hair in front of me raised her hand, "Yes, miss Wais?"

"I was just wondering why you've asked specifically for clear quartz?" She asked nervously.

"Ah, yes." She smiled, "Clear quartz are said to possess a lot of the qualities that we will be needing for the art of scrying. For example, they have balancing, amplifying, and focusing qualities, which will be needed and greatly appreciated" Her dream-like voice sounded about the room.

The girl nodded and placed the crystal beside her bowl, "Now, place the quartz directly in the center of your bowl."

The class did as asked, "I will be coming around with a sage to cleanse the area." The class was silent as she glided along the room, her dress flowing gently behind her, and waved the sage around the bowls. She sat down two thick, white short candles at each of our desk as she did so.

"Now for the fun part." She slightly waved her hand and the candles in front of us lit instantly, another wave of her hand and the lights shut off, to where only the flicker of the orange light could be seen around the room, "I need you all to enter a trance like state before trying to view the images of your water. You have been taught how." She added at the confused glances, "Now begin."

After another few minutes of meditating, I stared into the gentle water, nothing but the flickering of my candle light seemed to be moving in it.

My mind began to wander to Sage, a tiny sliver of hope in me was wishing the water would give me a vision of what to do and just then I saw a flash of what I thought was her face.

She looked shocked, like she had just come to a revelation, but as soon as it came it was gone.

Well how is that supposed to help? I mentally groaned.

I stared intently into the water for a few more minutes, allowing the muscles in my face to weaken and my eyelids to flutter.

All of a sudden the orange in the water was becoming more pronounced, bigger and bigger until the whole bowl looked as if it was engulfed in flame.

In the center a building started to form, a building that looked a lot like the school. My eyes started to well up in shock, the visions of my dreams were now haunting me in the comfort of the day time.

It couldn't be true, I wouldn't let it be true. A drop of water fell into the orange flaming picture and it disappeared instantly, returning to the clear dark liquid it was once before. I moved my fingers to my face to be met with cold tears stranded on my cheeks.


what do y'all think ? 👻

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