It's not always a good ending.

470 10 32

*Last chapter guys.*

I'm still very worried about the dream i had,if it even was a dream.


I dont want something to go wrong today.

To everyone i sent invites i hope they come. Especially Ningguang.

Well some people will definitely not come because of the Fatui..but that's alright i guess.

I put the dress on and grabbed the flowers ready for whatever is gonna come,marriage,failure whatever.

"Lady Y/n the guests will be arriving soon,please come with me to the Stylists",One of the maids told me.I followed them to the room and sat down while the maids and other people started to work on me.

They did my makeup and hair beautifully,i love it.

I added some final touches to my dress and waited for the maid to tell me when to go into the room.

As i was waiting Signora came into the room in a worried face.

"Y/n,will anyone come from your side?",she asked looking at the guests list.

"Oh",i felt a knife in my stomach hearing that.

"I'm sure they are just late aha",I joked hoping Signora wont notice.

"If you want i could sit on your side of the wedding,considering you are very close to me.",Signora sat down looking at me.

"Thank you but no need,even if noone will come it wont ruin the wedding that's for sure.",I sighed trying to hide my tears.

"very well then,I'll see you after",Signora sat up and waved me a more like goodbye forever


I opened the door revealing every guest and even Ningguang was there..

She looked more sad than happy but still supportive i guess.

As i walked down the Isle i saw every harbinger formaly dressed up and the Tsaritsa with them,Signora,Arlecchino,Sandrone,Columbina were on my side and the others on Dottores side,Tsaritsa in the middle.

Was i really going to marry Dottore and live happily ever after?

Have kids and grow old together?

I want to be free.

I don't want this.

I stopped on my tracks and started walking back slowly.

Dottore seemed to notice it and looked around for something.

I knew what was going to happen.


I looked at Ningguang one last time and swiftly turned around and got ready to run.

"Y/n,don't do it..",Ningguang whispered in a sob.

While i was focused on Ningguang i didn't see Dottore throwing something towards me and stabbing through me.


An arrow,i should've payed attention more to the surroundings.

I grabbed the arrow trying to stop the blood from coming out,i failed and fell down coughing.

Dottore rushed towards me in a rush,while Ningguang looked horrified covering her mouth and running out of the castle.

I'm sorry mother.

"NO NO Y/N,YOU IDIOT WHY DIDNT YOU PAY ATTENTION?!",Dottore screamed at me like this was all MY fault.

"W-Why did you cough even throw it?",i asked in a slight whisper with sadness in my eyes.

Dottore sighed and realized i wont make it."I didnt want you to leave,i thought you would dodge that and then i would catch you.."

"Well it didnt work,did it now?!",Signora screamed at him.

"SHUT UP YOU BITCH I KNOW,SHES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME BLEEDING",he kicked Signora in the stomach and she fell down.

"Everyone stop.",Tsaritsa grabbed Dottores wrist."We must not argue while someone is dying here".

"Goddamnit do something Dottore!?give her medicine or something already?!!?!?",Arlecchino looked at him with frustration.

"She's not making it is she?",Columbina asked holding her face.

"no",Was all Dottore said while holding me in his arms.

"We will leave you two alone then",Tsaritsa said and guided everyone outside leaving me and Dottore alone.

"I'm so sorry Y/n",he took off his mask and looked at me.

"It's okay Dottore",i smiled at him with what energy i had left.

Slowly as ever my eyes started to close hearing last words before i was truly gone.

"I love you",is what Dottore said i assume.

-Everything dies once.

-Even if you dont want them to,

-Slowly and steadily.


-But you,my dear

-Never die in my heart.

-You always have and always will be there,

-Through years and months

-Mornings and nights,

-I will always remember you,

-Because you are the world to me,

-My sunshine,

-My love.


End of the story.

I hope you liked it!

I will most likely do another Dottore fanfic just a whole new AU and new identity,

So if you liked this one maybe you would like the new one too.

Have a good day/night everyone! 


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