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(i added music to listen to while reading if you want to)

(I tried to fit the music with the chapter)

I finally arrived at Mondstadt after a long long run.

I walked through the gate and looked around for the Acting Grandmaster Jean.

I still had the two letters Ningguang gave me,should i open them?

whatever im just gonna do it wont hurt.I opened the first one which was reddish pink and it said:

*..Dear Diluc Ragvindr..*

I sent my daughter to Mondtsadt for protection against the 2. Fatui Harbinger II Dottore,since you know more about him  i would like your help and Jean's.

I know this is alot to ask regarding your fathers death,but im begging you.I will do anthing,i will give anything for you to help her. Anything

From: Ningguang <3

Diluc huh?welp i guess im seeking help from the person who kidnapped me now.I dont mind as long as hes helping me.

This next letter is much more fancier,it has to go to someone important,It said:

*..Dear Acting Grandmaster Jean..*

I apologise for troubling you once again,but im begging you please take care of my daughter, II Dottore is after her,Diluc knows about it and he will explain it himself later.

Give her guards,food,place to live in,anything..ANYTHING!

I of course will understand if you decline and refuse to help me but please,i have nowhere else to send her.

I hope i can repay you with my soul.

From your beloved,Ningguang <3

What does she mean by soul?..

"Hello! I'm Outrider Amber,and you may be?"someone with brown hair and red clothes asked me.

"Oh! I apologise, I'm Y/n!"

"Hmmm,y/n...sounds familiar but i cant remember,well whatever,your new, need any help?"she asked me."Would you mind telling me where the Knights of Favonious headquarters is?".i asked as i stood up."Ofc! follow me Y/n!",she said and we started walking up the stairs.

"Here it is,tell me if you need anything else,i will be at Windrise if you need me,bye bye Y/n!!",before i could ask her name she left. Sigh..Atleast I can find Jean.

"You there,tell me your purpose here!",one of the knights said."I'm here for Grandmaster Jean,i have a letter for her,could you please let me in?",i showed them the letter and they let me in.

Maybe this door?no,maybe this one?still no,What about this one? finally! I knocked on the door and i heard a voice from the other side,"Come in"

I entered and looked around,i saw a girl with blonde hair,a floating child,Jean,someone reading a book and a dark brown short haired woman, and a dark blue haired man.

"You must be Y/n",Jean said."Ah yes! I have this letter for you",i took the letter and handed it to her.She read it and closed it gently."Okay Y/n,i will protect you under ONE condition,You become a Knight of Favonious,and Skylight Mary will train you while your in Mondtsadt,and you will also share a house with her." Jean said."I agree!Thank you so so so much". I said with a cheerful voice.

"This is Lisa the Librarian",she pointed at the girl who was reading a book."Hey there cutie,nice to meet you",she smiled at me.

"This is the Cavalry Captain Kaeya,he will also train you if Mary is having free days,and lastly Traveler(Lumine) and Paimon,they are going to stay here too." After the introduction Mary lead me to her house.

"I have to go on a mission,i will be back by noon,you can go explore Mondtsadt".Mary said and headed out.I guess im alone now,im gonna go head out also.I took my pocket knife and left.

I was walking around the city and it looked beautiful,now that i remember i have a letter for Diluc.

I entered the tavern and looked around for him.

He was behind the counter preparing the drinks until he noticed me.He sent the customers to their table and called me over."Y/n right?I heard from the city already,what do you need here?".he asked me rather calmly."I have a letter for you",i handed the letter to him.

"Okay Y/n,I will take care of you but if you want to stay alive stay away from Kaeya",he said pointing at the blue haired man sitting at one of the tables with a bard.I agreed and left the tavern since it was late at night and Mary should be home already.

I got home and looked around for her,where is she? Maybe i should go looking for her.

I got to Jean's office and knocked a couple of times before entering.She wasn't there but Lisa was."Um Lisa wheres Mary and Jean?",i asked."Oh they're in Liyue for Business ",She told me and closed the book she was holding."I suggest you go to sleep now if you dont want to get baggy eyes,Goodnight my little cutie",she more like pushed me out of the room.Whatever,i guess im going to sleep then. I got home and there was a note on my bed.Huh?

My love Y/n<3

I know where you are don't run from me you know it wont work.

Just come back to me and nothing will happen to your friend Mary.

Or,perhaps you would like for her to die?

i guess we are the same then,you are crazy Y/n,i can fix you.

Come home,listen to me,i know whats best for you.

Don't make me use force.

Don't make me kill others for you Y/n.

This is all your fault if hundreds die because you.

From your love,Dottore<3


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