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As I opened my eyes Dottore was staring at me.I turned around not wanting to face him."That's not nice darling"he said standing up and coming to my side."I brought you food ,don't you want it?"he mocked.I grabbed the plate and pushed him."Don't do that."Dottore said.When I looked up to apologise he was furious.After awhile he calmed down."Okay darling,you are coming with me to the lab today,and you better behave well because Pierro is coming,understand?"he asked.Dottore looked very serious and I could tell he was not joking about Pierro."Yes"is all I replied."Good,get ready and we will head out for some 'stuff' first"Dottore said closing the door.I changed my clothes and for safety purposes took a pocket knife.I opened the door and I was expecting Dottore but instead was greeted with Signora."Hello dear,Dottore said to bring you myself to the stores he was quite busy himself ,but dont worry you will meet him soon again"she said in a calm voice.I but my coat on and we header out.

After what felt like hours we finally arrived to an old house.It had moss everywhere and it looked rather abandoned."Alright sweetie this is your stop,unfortunately I wont come along with you anymore,Dottore is waiting inside the house,Goodluck."was all she said before closing the carriage door and leaving.but..what did she mean by goodluck?I guess I'll figure it out later then.Right now I need to see where the front door is,because theres alot of moss and veins I could not see anything.

I finally found the door and I stepped inside.The house was surprisingly beautiful inside,it had a golden chandelier and red sofas facing what looked like a kitchen. Was this Dottores secret place?Whatever it is it's amazing.Everything was gorgeous except the musty metal door in the back of the hallway.I figured that was the basement door.Was I supposed to enter it?Signora said Dottore will be waiting for me in the house. I decided to wait a little maybe he was in a hurry like Signora said.After 10 minutes there was no sign of him so I decided to go down the basement.The wooden stairs that led down made a huge creaking noise every step.I truly hope Dottore was down there otherwise I trespassed.When I reached the end of the stairs it led to a lab.It was mostly filled with chemicals and potions but one Potion caught my eye. It was called 'Love potion'.Why would Dottore need something like that?I decided to let it pass for now and I continued exploring.There was a room not far from the chemicals and the room was Zandiks room or how he was called 219's room.I wanted to enter but it was locked,maybe that was a sign I should not be here,but oh well.All the other rooms had names like 267,897 and lastly Dottores or Prime Dottores.That was obviously his room.After alot of thinking I decided not to open it maybe it contained something important from his past.As I was walking back the door to 219's room was open.I got the creeps,last time I remember it was locked.I peeked in and it wasn't 219,it was Dottore.What was he doing here in 219's room?I stopped peeking and I continued going back upstairs because if Dottore caught me right now I would be dead meat.I reached the stairs and I realised that the stairs would alert Dottore,so I had to think of another way.As I was thinking I heard footsteps coming from far.Was Dottore coming here?If he was i better get out of here right now.I didn't think clearly and i ran up from the stairs making them creak.Dottore for sure heard it because when i looked behind he was right behind me running up aswell. U got to the top and when u looked around where to hide he yelled"COME BACK YOU LITTLE BI##",I DID NOT ALLOW YOU TO COME DOWN HERE".I found a little hole inside the kitchen counter and I went inside.I tried to hold back my tears,and to not make any sound."You think you could hide from me doll?"he yelled approaching me.Dottore peeked in through the hole and grabbed my arm dragging me out causing me to bleed from the wood cuts.Out of fear I bit him,causing him to let go.I took that opportunity and tried to run away.I didnt have my coat on and outside was snowing so I could freeze to death,but that was my only choice so I did that.I was running far away from the house not looking back when all of a sudden there were chains to my legs...I guess Dottore caught me.

The Doctor(Il Dottore X Fem Reader)(COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now