Debt collecting

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I was still embarrassed about yesterday.I shouldn't like Tartaglia,no way.Dottore was furious when he saw us,so he brought me to his room and Tartaglia..well I don't actually know what happened to him.I hope hes fine tho.

Dottore punched me a couple of times yeah but it's okay right now.And plus his bed is very comfy-though we sleep together and it's kinda weird.I'm starving because maybe someone didn't think about food.I wanted to stand up,but I forgot that I was chained so I got yeeted back into the bed.While I was figuring what to do,Dottore opened the door."Hey sweetie,how was ur sleep?I hope it was good because we have alot to do today"he said bringing me food..I guess he didn't forget."It was normal"is all I said.He handed me the plate of food and began to talk about some important things I didn't bother to listen to. "So that's all"he finished but quickly realized I didn't pay attention. "Did you even listen?this 'stuff' is very important you know."he said angrily. "Yeah,yeah whatever"i said eating the food.He got up and started walking towards me.He grabbed my chin causing me to look up."Now,now dont be so mean darling"he said grinning.As I wanted to respond he quickly kissed me."WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"I screamed."Well that's what happens if you disobey,like not listening to me when I talk"he said standing up.Dottore unchained me and gave me a stare that says 'do not try to escape'."But those clothes on at the dresser I'll give you 10 minutes"he said walking out of the room.

After I got dressed I wanted to open the door but someone did it for me.i looked up and it was Clone 219."Y/n what are you doing in Primes room?" He asked visibly scared."I dont know ask Prime himself"i said giving a tired face.He looked confused but ignored it."okay then,I was about to ask Prime where you were,but it answers my question now."he said opening his arms for a hug.I gives him a big big big hug."Woah,dont break my robot ribs now."Clone 219 gasping for air."haha very funny."I said."Actually why did you want to see me?"I asked curious. "I wanted to go debt collecting and wanted to bring you along if that's fine with you.he smiled."Did Dottore agree to that?"I asked."Well kind of,he technically didn't say sure or yes but he didn't say no either,so I'm guessing it's fine."he said feeling embarrassed. "Whatever you say,but if we get in trouble I'm blaming you."I said pushing him.

After I put my shoes on we started walking to the woods.We spotted the camp and Clone 219 waved at them.They looked frightened."Watch and learn"He whispered.He walked up to the leader and started saying something,I didn't hear anything because I was simply too far away.But I understanded that they weren't gonna give the Mora without a fight.Suprisingly they didn't go for the leader instead they came after me.I didn't have any weapons how should I fight?I was panicking.As they got closer I had no choice but to use my fists. I punched one and the second but the third was too fast and he kicked me.I fell.'WHERE IS CLONE 219' I thinked in my head.To my prayers Clone 219 was behind them and stabbed them all.I wanted to congratulate him but as soon as I wanted to say something i coughed blood.This reminded me of the very first day i met Dottore.Before i could think of the past anymore Clone 219 picked me up and carried me to Dottores room.For my bad luck the real Dottore was standing there furious."oh hey Prime"Clone 219 said scared."where were you?"Dottore asked.Before Clone 219 could answer I answered for him."We were debt collecting that's all,it was purely my idea,dont blame him he only saved me."I lied wanting Clone 219 to not get hurt."I don't believe you for a second,but I'll let it slide for now" He said picking me up."You can leave now" Dottore pointed at Clone 219.

Well of course I was all bloody so Dottore made me a bath."You do ur stuff while I get you new clothes"Dottore said leaving the room.As I was in the tub I was wondering hows Tartaglia,I haven't heard of him for a whole day,I was starting to get worried.I got out of the bath and put a towel on me.I opened the door and there were clothes on the bed but Dottore wasn't around.I really hope he isn't punishing Clone 219.Now that I think of him,I should probably give him a new name like Jay or Zandik.That name Zandik sounded familiar but I don't remember where i have seen it.OH RIGHT.It was the Outcasts real name before Dottore.Yes that's it I'm naming him Zandik instead of Clone 219.

How could he hurt her?I know I promised to not punish him but theres no other way,he has to learn the consequences.He needs to learn from the mistakes to not do it again.I wanted to eat dinner with y/n but it's fine,I'll do it another time.Besides she will always be mine♡.I'm surprised she didnt ask about Tartaglia while I was treating her cuts,maybe shes over him now?I hope so.Because I really did like him.I need to ask for more money for a future 'experiment '.It's nothing harmful.Well it's not supposed to be harmful,but if someone disobeys me then it will hurt real bad.I haven't told her yet but I can read minds.Though she hasn't though of anything interesting yet.I was hoping to read about her loving me but I guess not everyones happy right?

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