A day with Zhongli

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Zhongli told me that to meet him in Wangshu Inn today at 2pm. But i was running late, because i had NO idea where Wangshu Inn is. But after for asking directions, i finally found the place! But holy heck they was a lot of people here today. i tried to look for Zhongli on the ground floor..nothing.. Then i went to the 2nd floor. I saw Zhongli..talking to a short man..oh! i think its the conquer of demons, i have read about him, but i thought he was just a tale. but not i guess.  As i walked over to them then i heard..

,, You know, the 2nd fatui harbinger is looking for y/n at the moment. Plus he is very strong too. But why did you invite her for A CUP OF TEA?! i just dont understand!'' said conquer of demons with anger in his voice.

,, Xiao, calm down, we dont want to attract unnecessary attention, now do we?'' said Zhongli with a calm voice, as Xiao sighed.

,, I invited her, because i know that she has gone through some horrible things lately. And i know that she is having an hard time to trust anybody and tell her problems. Thats why im here and ill listen to her problems.''  explained Zhongli.

,, whatever'' said Xiao and teleported away. 

Zhongli turned his back and said ,, Ah! you came, it took you a while, but thats okay.'' maybe i should trust him..?  yeah imma trust him for now.

,, Sorry! i didnt know where Wangshu Inn was, haha'' i said awkwardly. ,, You dont need to apologise it was my fault for not telling you where is it! Follow me i reserved us a table.''  i followed Zhongli , i saw the table. it was right next to the amazing view of the forests. 

,, Wow the view is amazing!'' i said as i was enjoying the view.

,, im glad you like the view.'' Zhongli gave me a warm smile. ,, So y/n i heard that you were a scientist in Sumeru.''

,, yeah i was until, uhh something happened ''  

,, Would you like to tell me what happened?''  Zhongli asked me. i was thinking about it, but i havent been able to talk to someone in a while, because Dottore ALWAYS does something to them. 

,, well basically, one night i saw something on the news that an outcast escaped, then i saw him on the streets and he kidnapped me blah blah, he tortured me blah blah i met the Tsaritsa, blah blah i met my love-I MEAN TARTAGLIA, then i met a lot of other people...then clone 219 died..but then i got KIDNAPPED AGAIN and Tartaglia too, then we had..some..fun.. when i escaped.. DILUC KIDNAPPED ME AND WANTED TO KILL ME...but then Pantalone help me escape..later Pantalone lead me to Dottore and he tied me up i dont know for a day..when he came back he tortured me again..every..single..DAY. AND HE STOLE MY FREAKING PRYO VISION AND MY BOW, UGH I HATE HIM SO MUCH, THAT I WANT TO BREAK HIS FXCKING NECK AND..AND...and....like sometimes i just wanna live anymore like this..i just want to be free from this mad man..i-i- just..want to-to be f-ree forever...'' i felt tears running down my cheeks. 

,, hey, its okay to cry, you can let it all out.''  said Zhongli with a calming voice. then i begin to sob. 

,, hey i heard that you wanted to be free from Dottore, i have some suggestions where to go. number 1. you know the islands in Inazuma? i heard there is a place called Ekonomiya, its located in Sangonomiya island, but you need to ask ms. Sangonomiya permission tho. number 2. Natlan is a good place to hide, i know a friend there that she can help you.'' said Zhongli, then i replied ,, I would really like to go to Ekonomiya, it sounds nice and quiet.''  

,, Alright. i can ask Beidou to help you get to Inazuma.''  

,, Wow! would you really do that for me?''

,, of course! your such a nice soul and you deserve a break from this madness.''

after he said that, i saw that the conquer of demons teleported here?! and Ganyu?! 

,, Dad- i mean morax, we have countered an fatui harbinger, but he seems to be very hurt.'' said conquer of demons. ,, yes, and he said the was looking for y/n''...could it be Childe? i hope so... i asked them ,, What did he look like?'' ,, he has ginger hair and blue eyes.'' said Ganyu.

,, Bring him here.''  said Zhongli with a serious face and tone.

,, Yes Morax.'' said Ganyu and conquer of demons. they teleported away for a second and came back with..TARTAGLIA!!!! 

,, TARTAGLIA HOW DID YOU ESCAPE?! AND IM SO GLAD YOUR HERE!'' i said while hugging Tartaglia. 

,, Well i didnt escape, Scaramouche helped me escape.'' 

,, the shogun's puppet?'' i said but then everyone were looking me with a weird face. Zhongli pulled by my arm and told me ,, how do you know, that scaramouche is shouguns puppet? nobody knows that except the archons.'' i looked confused and told him ,, uhhh i heard Dottore talking about him.'' ...,, alright'' said Zhongli with a suspicious tone. but ill let it slide.

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