The Masquerade Part 4

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Today was the Masquerade.As I was getting ready someone knocked on the door.I opened the door and it was Dottore.He looked so handsome-no what am i thinking?

"Why are you dressed up?"I already knew the answer."Well of course I'm going with you to the Masquerade,"he answered."Sorry I promised Tartaglia that I'm going with him."I replied."Excuse me?"he asked his voice raising."Are you deaf or are you playing dumb with me?"I replied.He slapped me."Don't talk to me like that",he growled.You wanted to cry,but you didn't.You just pushed him and left.

I pumped into the same man who was talking to Dottore days ago. I think his name was Pantalone.I fell down."Oh darling i'm sorry,i didn't see you there"he said in a worrying voice."No its okay,are you okay tho?"I asked not actually caring."I'm fine thank you for asking",he smiled.After he helped me up he left.

I met with Tartaglia at the city gate. He looked stunning.

"Ready to go?"He asked."Yes i am".and as I said that someone grabbed my arm.It was Dottore and he looked furious."Tartaglia what are you doing with MY partner?"he spoke.He grabbed my arm and dragged me away to another carriage."what are you doing?!"I shouted."You are MY partner remember?"he said."No i am not i told you that already",i responded angrily.He didn't say anything else he just pushed me inside the carriage.

The whole ride was quiet,he wanted to start conversations but I didn't say anything,he got tired and didn't say anything anymore.When we arrived the castle was HUGE, it was covered with flowers and beautiful crystals.He stepped out and offered me a hand,which i didn't take because i was still mad at him.He frowned.

When we entered the castle the others were already there except Pantalone.

After a while there was still no sign of The Banker,did something bad happen?


Gunshots came from outside.

"EVERYONE PLEASE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY"The speakers said."You heard the speakers come on let's go",Dottore said.We started moving.All of a sudden i felt pain....i got stabbed?no it couldn't be i was just with Dottore and now i don't see him anywhere.All i saw was darkness,i passed away again.


The Masquerade was nice until the shooting,I knew who did it.The shooters kidnapped two people:Pantalone and Y/N.I dont know why they did but i want them both back NOW.The shooters were mondstadt people and that redhead...Ragvindr,i will get you back Y/N just you wait.And when we get back i need that Formula.There's no chance i'll give her more time.


I woke up in a tent?I don't remember getting here,oh right I got taken away.I remember someone with red hair,who was he?My wounds were bandaged up,thanks to those who helped me I guess

I got up and crawled out of the tent..Pantalone was there-wait,why was he here?Did he get kidnapped as well?I have so many questions.

how are you liking it this far?

Pantalones kinda sus.

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