Family, Shower, Food. In that order.

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Norma corralled all of us into the house. There weren't enough chairs, so she brought the piano bench from the sitting room and placed it at the kitchen table.

Norma started fussing about the kitchen, starting up the fixings of a big meal. In the mean time, she handed Norman and I a bowl full of fruit to devour.

After we ate the fruit, Norma told Norman and I to go get showers and then dinner would be ready after that.

My parents had got a room to stay at and they stayed in the room and watched TV while I took my shower. I took a long, hot shower where I scrubbed so hard I felt raw. I still felt dirty.

Mom had packed some of my clothes. It wasn't said, but I knew they wondered if I would even be alive to wear them again.

Dad told me that they have my car at the local police station of the area I had last left it. He said that a worker who was on her smokebreak had come out when I went in and she noticed I never came back out so she phoned the police later that night. Apprently she was on the other side of the building by the doors when she saw me so I guess she couldn't see the men freaking put a gun in my back.

We went back to the house and my stomach ached once I caught a whiff of the food she was making.

Norman and I devoured the food so quickly. Even though our tummies hurt, we went back for seconds. Questions were being asked about our capture, so we discussed it. There were many tears shed during those talks.

I retired to the room early. I asked Emma to stay in the room with us. She could sleep in my bed. I just wanted to surround myself with loving people. I wanted to feel as safe as possible. Dylan still hadn't returned so I don't know what was going on. I hoped he was ok. I had a feeling he was.

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