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Chapter 62

    Under Pufu's intentional arrangement, Osamu Dazai and Ranpo Edogawa were separated into two rooms.

    Their minds are too dangerous for humans.

    Especially Osamu Dazai, the sensitivity of insects made Pufu perceive that although Osamu Dazai is a human being, he is definitely not a good character.

    Kill him, Wang is not good at dealing with this kind of person, and keeping this kind of person may hinder Wang's future.

    Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, Pufu will nip this risk in the bud.

    Pufu wanted to deal with Osamu Dazai quietly in the room, and later pretended to commit suicide out of fear.

    In the past, many weak humans committed suicide in fear of taking a break after playing against the king for a few rounds.

    Puff's wings flutter back and forth: let him die in his sleep.

    The powder specially used to affect emotions was blown in through the crack of the door, and fell on Osamu Dazai who closed his eyes and meditated, nothing happened.

    Obviously the dust fell on Osamu Dazai, he would have a dream right away, and he should die in the dream.

    Through the crack of the door, Pufu could clearly see that although Osamu Dazai had his eyes closed, his chest was heaving with concern.

    still alive.

    "This...how is this possible!!" Pufu's dust is no exception, and it is impossible to have no effect.

    Puff pondered and changed his approach.

    The energy waves condensed with the power of thought were divided into ten fine lines, respectively heading towards Osamu Dazai's temples, heart and other deadly parts.

    Before the energy line touched Osamu Dazai, it fell into the sea like foam and disappeared without a trace.

    Pufu understood, the ability possessed by this man can nullify the effect of all thoughts.

    It's not telekinetic...it's like but not, it's more like...an offshoot of telekinetic. The people summoned by the king have the same ability and mind ability, but the form of use is different.

    If this kind of ability can be enjoyed by the king, the sequelae of the king's birth in less than a month can be greatly reduced.

    The ant king was born one month earlier, and his strength was weakened, otherwise he would have been even stronger.

    Pufu kicked open the door excitedly, wanting to chop Dazai into meatballs and present it to the king.

    Hearing the movement, Osamu Dazai lazily opened his eyes.

    A flaming meteor smashed through the roof and sent straight to the floor.

    Catwoman's Yuan didn't even have a premonition of a large-scale attack in advance! !

    The dragon star group fell from a high altitude, and Catwoman, who knew she was negligent, flew high into the sky to find out the identity of the attacker.

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