Unbound, Unleashed (Chapter 40)

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Upon entering Mementos, you immediately notice that your clothes didn't change, alerting you of your vulnerable state here. However, you push on, looking for answers to your questions about what is going on in the shadows.

So you do your best sneaking around in each level of Mementos that you explore, bypassing each shadow you come across. Itching to face them to train, you are unable to summon any of your power to fight so you continue to slip by. You each further down each level and begin to feel the presence you felt in your dreams. The closer you approach, the more you feel it calling to you.

You: It knows I am here.. I have to prepare myself when I do face it-

That is when a chilling sound of chains starts to ring in the distance. Your body shivers and you slowly turn your head towards the sounds of the chains. Wondering what is going on you decide to pick up the pace and begin to make distance.

You: What the actual hell is that.. I don't remember hearing that before here..

The rattling chains grow louder and louder, despite your efforts to get away from it, you begin to worry. Heading down a couple of paths and turns on each track, reaching the stairs to the next level you head down. After awhile you don't hear the chains in the distance anymore and take a quick breather.

You: Whew. I am so glad that I didn't find out what the hell it was. Now to keep moving..-

You turn and stare face first at a large figure, its breathing hard and crackling. You look up at some monstrous shadow and the moment it moves, the sounds of the chains begin to spring forth from it. It turns it's head down towards you and you freeze.

It floats and slowly approaches you. This is something that you can't face let alone with everyone else.

You: Fuck this Shit!

You turn and burst into a mad dash away from the creature. It gives chase, after you, the sounds of its chains sending further chills down your spine. Turning each corner you hope to gain distance but it keeps on the pressure and you find yourself looking back at the Reaper staring at you, wanting your soul. You yell and scream at the top of your lungs and pick up the pace even harder, hurting your lungs and heart you push on and keep on going.


You reach the exit and dive down the stairs and tumble to some platform. Breathing heavily, it seems you are in a safe space for now as the Reaper's chains disperse from the distance and you let out a sigh of relief.

You: I am... Not happy. Right now. I wish Morgana was here.. Cause... WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT THING! It's like some sort of Reaper! The Chains! The Overwhelming Presence! GAH!....need to calm down.. I am okay... for now at least... *Sighs heavily* This place is hell.

You get up feeling like crap and move forward, reaching some sort of door. It is locked off for some odd reason and you begin to examine it.

You: Weird.. It seems like this door doesn't have any physical way of opening.. If I had a key I wouldn't know how to use it..

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