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Chapter 6

"You can not save people, you can only love them."

"That's ridiculous, why are you telling me about some letters? I don't know of any." Chishiya muttered under his breath and looked into Aina's eyes as if trying to find something in them.

"I'm telling you about them so that you remember. But apparently it doesn't help. Sorry, I have to go now." Aina looked away from him, shoved her hands into her sweater pockets and turned to leave.

Her insides were hurt that Chishiya still didn't remember anything even after she mentioned the letters that were so important to both of them.She walked down the path away from the park and Chishiya just shook his head in disbelief at what he heard from Aina a moment ago. He couldn't believe anything she said, he didn't know about any letters, about any world in which he knew her. But deep down he felt that something was pulling him towards her and he wanted to find out why.

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

That same night, Aina lay in bed in her room, remembering the letters she left for Chishiya at his home back in Borderland. She always put a piece of her heart into them, even though he never talked too much about his feelings in the ones he left her. But she never resented him, she knew his nature and that he did not know how to process his feelings properly. It was more like he was afraid of his emotions. He always claimed that emotions would only weaken him, so he always preferred to bet on the voice of his head rather than the voice of his own heart.

With a deep sigh, the girl rolled onto her right side and quickly blinked her eyes to get rid of the tears that were falling from her eyes. That's why she then quickly closed them and tried to sleep.

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

In the morning, Aina woke up to the beeping of her phone, so she hurriedly picked it up from the bedside table, opened her eyes from her half-sleep and saw a name on the display and a message next to it.

Arisu: Do you have time today? Can we meet?

Aina smiled happily at the message and wrote back very quickly and without thinking.

Aina: Sure, I was waiting for you to call. Shall we meet in Chiyoda?

Arisu: At 1pm?

Aina: okay

After sending the last message, she quickly looked at her watch and noticed that it was past 10:00am. She quickly threw off the quilt, stood up and, still in her pajamas, went from her room through the steep stairs to the ground floor of the house to the kitchen, where her sister was waiting for her with breakfast already prepared.

"Good morning." Kasumi laughed and gave Aina a reproachful look.

"I'm sorry I got up so late but..."

"Sit down." Kasumi cut her off and motioned for her to sit on the couch in the living room. Their parents were at work and that's why Kasumi decided to get out of her sister where she had suddenly evaporated yesterday. Both girls sat down on the black sofa next to each other. Aina knew what Kasumi was up to, so before she said anything, she decided not to say more than necessary.

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