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"The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It is the loneliness of it."

Chapter 1

Gentle breeze was touching the skin of her hand. This fresh wind was coming from nowhere to see. Thinking about what happened, the girl slowly opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Her body was still in instant shock, that's why she started to repeat her name, slowly, quitly in her head. Just the way how she used to do it in situations like one of these.

My name is Aina, I'm 23 years old and I live with my parents in Tokyo.

As she was opening her eyes, she saw just a white ceiling and green colour bordering it's edges. She was praying just for one thing – to be home.

By looking around she wanted to figure out where she is. While laying in bed, a translucent tube was hanging down from her left arm. Also, there was some big beeping device beside her,  measuring vital functions. When she realized the fact she is alive, a thought flashed through her mind. A thought about one person. At the memory of him, tears began to pour from her eyes, and she barely held them back by the palm of her hand, touching her cheeks.

„Ouch." She hissed in pain as her right wrist ached with the slightest movement. Her hand was in a bandage. She ran her fingers over the part of her forehead on her face, where she had a laceration before. But now, the wound was stiched up and she was finally able to calm down. She smiled a little bit, when she realized she was in a hospital,

Suddenly, a sight came from her left side. Until now, she had not noticed there was someone else in the room. It was incomprehensible to her that she was too busy by the monitoring the surrounding area, but did not notice that another patient was lying next to her. Therefore, her eyes immediately fell on the left, as the sigh of the person next to her came from there. Then, she saw someone whom she so much wished to see at this moment.

„Chishiya?" she mumbled under her breath, so she could not even be heard. She snorted almost all the tears falling from her eyes, and the ones she did not manage to soak in she stopped by rubbing her face with a hand. Aina wanted to touch him so badly she leaned too hard and she almost fell off the bed.

„Being you, I try not to move." Chishiya said in his always calm voice. Almost nothing could upset him, except for a few little things. He sounded indifferent most of the time, but she always just smiles, so she did the same now and said, „Chishiya, we did it."

The boy next to her was silent and just furrowed his brows in disbelief. He did not even give her a single bit of his gaze. He did not even look at her in all that time.

„What are you talking about? I do not even know you."

Aina did not understand why Chishiya was acting like he did not know her, like they did not have so many bad but also wonderful moments spent together. Her eyes began to glisten with tears much more than they had a moment ago.

„Y-You do not remember?" she spoke with a shaky voice, impatiently waiting for his answer.

„What should I remember?" the boy's gaze finally met hers. She couldn't help herself, so she smiled as she looked at him again. But he felt nothing, no emotion appeared on his face.

„The games," Aina began to say, „me."

Chishiya only gave Aina a puzzled look while his lips were curling up into a small smirk. He slowly turned his face away from her and as he was looking at the ceiling and said disinterestedly, „You must be concussed and hallucinating, I don't know you."

I don't know you.

These words hurt her so much that tears began to flow down her face and not even a palm of her hand could stop them. She could not understand how he do not remember everything that happened. How he can not remember all the games, deaths... Above all, how he can not remember him holdin her hand in every game and whispering in her ear that he would protect her. He was the one who saved her.

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